CF Pages

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Salutation #97

Do you know why this is the Land of the Morning?

Because when the Morning comes, my beloved people,
our common generations will ask -

"where is the darkness?"

(Do Not Entertain It)

The spirit of War desires
the ultimate destruction
of our nation -

Its lie shifts here and there,
hither and tither the darkness goes -
everything, a sinister and intelligent design
to carry our hearts far from the truth
of who we are, my people.

Do not entertain it.

wax full in thy own heart of understanding,
the peace that is native to all Filipinos -
let us drink of it freely.

And let War drink its own poison.

My brothers and sisters of the Promise,
no matter what you hear, no matter what you see,
it really doesn't matter when you know what you want...

we're going to build a Republic worthy of all Filipinos
- together this time.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Salutation #96

But rather, let him who glories, glory in this,
that in his prudence he knows me, knows that I, the LORD,
bring about kindness, justice and uprightness on the earth;
For with such am I pleased, says the LORD.

(Jeremiah 9: 23)

(The Glory is the LORD's)

When God delivers us, we are all delivered.

does it matter who gets the credit
when it is God Himself Who wills it?

The LORD Himself
calls out to our nation,
"become thee restored
to thy one, true self!"

as God will's it, my people,
the soul of our nation cries out for peace
- we all know it by heart.

Shall we not labor and pray
for what God wants to give us?

When God delivers us, we are all delivered.

does it matter who gets the credit
when it is God Himself Who wills it?

God love us all.

Friday, January 27, 2012

What War Expects?

Go now and do what War does not expect.

What War Expects?

Go now and do what War does not expect.

What War Expects?

Go now and do what War does not expect.

What War Expects?

Go now and do what War does not expect.

Salutation #95

All truth leads to freedom
only because our freedom is constantly
being perfected by the freedom of the LORD.

Freedom that is authentic to our humanity
is always relevant to our human need to be happy.

It is not the false image
of that presumptuous freedom
that shuns the accountability
that is an inherent responsibility
of an authentic human freedom.

freedom is not free
that binds us to the Evil in all evil things -
freedom is free which binds us to the truth
of God and of each other in common humanity.


To be truthful,
seek first the Source of all truth
for as God is, we are.

Truth is
the mother tongue of heaven:
In the truth we are able to understand
and through it we are able to be understood.

Truth is
the common medium of all virtue:
By the truth good is recognized and applauded
and because of it evil is revealed and punished.

love the LORD
in everything and with everything.

This is the path of all true things.

- selah -

Strive to be aware of this
and in thy own understanding
strive in all things to speak the truth,
mean what you speak, speak what you mean,
and own up to what you mean
- doing all things in love and out of love -
for God and for thy fellow citizens upon the earth.

Exercise truthfulness
with a compassionate regard
for the humanity of other people -
so be gentle when you should speak.

For the habitual grace of truthfulness
does not bind us to the truth - rather -
it binds the truth - through us -
into the active service of charity
so that truth is made available,
by the demands of prudence
and command of charity,
most especially when it counts.

The object of this virtue is truth itself,
that which fills with substance all things whole
and endow it with force and meaning
which is more than its words.

The act of this virtue
is the honorable expression of truth
and this honorable expression - being -
the explicit recognition
amidst our human need for absolute truth
that the truth that lives in other people's lives
(the particular reality of the individual good)
- must also be recognized -
as an integral part
of this particular virtue's
expression of right action.

For the truth must be
- by its own virtue -
is wielded for no other reason
than to make men free.

Truthfulness is an expression of the cardinal virtue, Justice.

The individual exercise of truthfulness is therefore, simultaneously both a personal as well as a civic virtue.

The ancient Filipinos possessed this virtue to a high degree.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Salutation #94

One life lost to War is (always) one life too many.

(Human Promise)

O my nations, listen -

Human lives
once willfully cut short and stolen
in the midst of our communities
do not just end, they linger -

They linger because
by each life lost to War,
we are truly diminished.

One can not expect
to eat the fruits of a forest,
benefit from the shade of its wood
as well as rest within the protection of its multitude
if there are no trees left.

- selah -

If the nations are hungry,
if we are vulnerable,
if we are weak,
it is because
War in the heart.

When we forget to remember
the unsung promises of those
who are now lost to us through War
and reckless, wasteful violence -
when we forget the hopes they have left
to our every present care,
we stand to learn nothing of their pain and loss
and are therefore, doomed to relive it.

Because it is not the sins of the past that curse,
it is the inability of every present generation
- to overcome its evils -
that prevent our Day from flourishing.

Human promise
once forcefully taken
- by the hand of Man -
becomes an inescapable part
of his unbearable burden -
to be borne by all of his generations
spread across all our nations.

Without Justice,
it hinders his eternal destiny.

Without the Mercy of God,
it prevents it.

Without the Peace
of the nations of Mankind,
by this burden,
Man is sunk in despair.

Without the Love
of a mighty Redeemer,
by this burden too,
Man is to be lost to us forever.

Farewell to Promise

Vanquished Forever

O Holy Michael,
by the power of God,
the dragon prevailed not!

O Heavenly Hosts,
by thy swift and powerful ascent
to the unity of the LORD,
Satan and all his fallen angels
lost their place in heaven.

War is vanquished forever!

Revelation 12: 7-9

War Came

The War in heaven is in the heart.

War came for Palestine
- and I did nothing -
because I was not Palestinian.

War came for Israel
- and I did nothing -
because I was not Israeli.

War came for America
- and I did nothing -
because I was not American.

War came for Mexico
- and I did nothing -
because I was not Mexican.

War came for Europe
- and I did nothing -
because I was not European.

War came for Russia
- and I did nothing -
because I was not Russian.

War came for Africa
- and I did nothing -
because I was not African.

War came for India
- and I did nothing -
because I was not Indian.

War came for Korea
- and I did nothing -
because I was not Korean.

War came for China
- and I did nothing -
because I was not Chinese.

War came for Vietnam
- and I did nothing -
because I was not Vietnamese.

War came and I did nothing
for I am neither of those...

Then one day,

War came for the Philippines
and now,
I couldn't do a thing.

- selah -

My brothers and sisters of the Promise -

When War comes - repel it!
At the door of thy heart - hear it not!

Throw back its lies to its face
and make it drink its own poison.

For when the spirit of War
seeks to enter our world
it is through the human heart
- willing or unaware -
that it gains an entrance.

If you know War,
you know Peace.

Revelation 12: 7-9

Walker of Worlds

O Walker of Worlds,
Scion to the Dawning
of the First of our First Magnitudes -
remain Now from always to always true
to thy one Universe of universes,
ever as thy one eternal Remembrance
spread in myriad glimpses
awash within the tidal flows of time:

Those numberless lights,
luminous and varied, singularly unique,
twinkling in their broken arcs
wheeling upon the one celestial Way
and concealed amidst the darkness
of those worlds within worlds,
near infinite in their wonders,
being constantly born and reborn -
upon the firmament of the Deep
ever as the ages of the comings and goings
of the ageless seasons of life
and carried aloft by thy quickening soul
swift unto the realization
of all the beautiful for being
beheld by Beauty Itself.

O Walker of Worlds -
born to the quickening of the Now,
ever in thy infinite prayers be one, ascendant
like incense arising unto the sacred Presence
of the one Sovereign of the seen universe
and Sustainer of all unseen universes
in solemn memory of thy holy witness
of the Visitation of thy one Peace
through the infinite glory of the Name.

O Walker of Worlds -
kindred to the celestial sky
and called to the one gathering
remain Now from always to always true:
Two-thirds of the Stars of Heaven bring
glad salutations unto thee!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Salutation #93

We have a need to look out into the horizons.
Upon the high mountain peaks of our ascent into completion.
We have to become familiar with our own undertaking of Country.
That we may hope to avoid future catastrophe.

We have to find the peace of our belongings together.
And ascend the mount with the sheltering wings of peace.
From hope to hope and strength to strength.
Until we have pierced the unconsciousness of our native skies.
From truth to truth and love to love.
Until darkness has waned.
And the night has fled our souls forever.

(Conqueror of Heights)

The peace process might seem
like an insurmountable mountain,
looming impossibly ahead...
but I tell you, my people -

This is but a small hill that
- once conquered -
shall only broaden our horizons -
for we are a nation, my people!

We were meant to conquer not just hills
but mountains - mountains true,
and much higher than these,
mountains towering and majestic!

My brothers and sisters of the Promise,
we were joined together from Eternity
- to prevail against heights -
not to tower above one another
- as War would have it -
but to know the greatness
of our togetherness.

O what shall our horizons be then!

In Unity Dwells God.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Kung Hei Fat Choi 2012

May this year be one of new beginnings - for all the peoples of our needful world - but especially for our Asia.

May this year usher in an even more significant increase of peace in our Asia, particularly here in our region of Asia South East, and here in our own Philippines.

There is only one Asia.

Therefore, there can only be one peace for our Asia.

May all Asians seek this peace - from Israel to the Philippines, from Siberia to Indonesia - and may we all find it.

So from the Philippines to our region of Asia South East,
and from our region of Asia South East to the whole of our Asia,
and from the whole of our Asia to the whole of our world,
so needful of much respite and repair -

Kung Hei Fat Choi - Mabuhay! God bless us all.

Be the change.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Salutation #92

What seeks to banish the evils in human society,
what seeks to redress the legitimate grievances of the community,
what seeks to safeguard the individual good and the common good,
what seeks to fulfill the requirements of the creative ideal expressed by the hopes of every nation and mandated by the ideals vested in each its Responsible States,
all of these are acts of Spiritual Justice.

It is what imparts force of truth to the individual will to preserve through human institutions, the peace and the order of civil society.

(3rd Cause - Justice)

(Defeating the Culture of Impunity)

Ignorance is poisonous but indifference is lethal.

This culture of impunity
is like a dragon-shaped shadow
hovering over our captive nation;
it seems huge when taken all together
and terrifying when seen from a distance,
looming like a serpent constantly waiting to strike
but from up close, if we choose to examine it,
it is still made of nothing
and everywhere it is vulnerable.

Like a tyranny without a tyrant,
it grips our society in a parasitic embrace
keeping the people from becoming
and the nation from the truth of itself.

To pierce through its illusion,
our present leadership must remain alert
to the shine (heart) and to the leading (reality)
of the great Providence of the LORD -
serving as servants and leading as leaders
enabling our nation to shine as one whole sky
empowering our people to become as they are
- citizens not unlike each other -
shining for God and mother Country
with sunbeams sharp against the darkness
dispelling the dragon's false embrace.

- selah -

let us confront all of these
individual injustices together
(particularly at this present time,
that of the murdered journalist and
fellow Filipino, Christopher "Cris" Guarin)
- in our hearts, in our lives, in our times -
through varied gifts and stations in life
bound together wholly as one nation
under the eternal vigilance of God
arrayed in time and across time
as one Republic undertaking of Country
and like a multitude of sharp spears -
speak the truth
and stand for the right!

For it shall take all of us to defeat this evil dragon
and overthrow its lineage of weakness and defeat;
prevailing as one work, one heart, one destiny.

my brothers and sisters of the Promise,
- all that is shadow must always yield to the light -
for it is still made of nothing
and everywhere it is vulnerable.

Land of Promise,
Cradle of the Brave,
from the tyranny of oppression
thou shalt never yield.

Friday, January 20, 2012

An Appeal for Dondon Celestino Lanuza

My national interest can be summed up in one word - you.

When the Providence of the LORD singles out one of our compatriots as in the case of Dondon Celestino Lanuza, our national leaders should listen, in fact, we should all listen.

Because these are the times when our sense of unity is tested not through the threats arrayed against it but through an opportunity to actually benefit from its merits.

For our sense of unity is further strengthened not only by our sense of repulsion from the things of War but also by our sense of attraction to the things of the Light.

To respond to this invitation to assist in obtaining the freedom of one of our own is an exercise of unity. And if we are successful in giving this needful brother of ours his life back, we are indeed further strengthened.

Let us now bear this first principle in mind - we are to love our own - in a hundred thousand ways, direct and indirect, if we become to each other, a keeper and a friend, a citizen though and through, we shall only heap blessings upon our nation.

Justice is not upheld through vengeance, my fellow Filipinos, nor is Justice served by anger.

Justice animated by Justice shall always be solicitous of our individual potential to bring in more good into this world despite the sins one is oft inclined to humanly commit, however grievous they may be.

In the case of the criminal, once the sanction of Law is applied, it is still the domain of Justice to restore the peace of the community and to the individuals concerned - repair and restitution.

With this in mind, I am now formally appealing to each one of you, my brothers and sisters of the Promise, the case of Dondon Celestino Lanuza.

Dondon was convicted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the murder of one of their citizens in 2000 and condemned to die by beheading.

He has always maintained that the act of killing of which he is convicted is an act of self-defense.

Forgiven by the kin of the victim in February of 2011, Dondon is now in need of the customary "blood money" to be paid to the aggrieved family to obtain his freedom and the relief of his own family.

Dondon is a father of two and has been supporting his family in jail through alms given to him by his friends. He has been awaiting execution for the past 11 years.

We need to help him raise the 35 million pesos (USD 800,000) required by the victim's family to secure his freedom. Through each our own gifts, in each our own ways, I want us to contribute toward the welfare of one of our own in the person of Dondon.

This is my formal appeal to you.

I especially would like to see prominent people in our society - politicians, movers and shakers, industry leaders - become more and more interested in the plight of this littlest Filipino. Citizens of other nations with a heart of common humanity are also welcome to help.

Please, I shall leave it to you to find out more about it. The same with everything I post on this blog, I shall likewise be following this issue.

Thank you so much for taking the time to listen.

Mabuhay po tayong lahat!

Think about it -

They say, my brothers and sisters of the Promise, famously - that a team only goes as fast as its slowest member.

This is not true. (Imagine if it were...)

A team only goes as fast as its willingness to act as a team.

Unit efficiency not individual weaknesses is the constant:

This shall be our mindset as well.

NOTE: I usually do not openly disclose my humble material offerings to the LORD (my prayer life is not unlike my almsgiving - a deeply personal and private affair) but in this case, I shall have to make an exception. (20120123)

I am going start with a donation of P500.00 which I shall deposit to -

Account Name: Letty Lanuza
Bank: Metrobank Malolos McArthur Hi-Way Branch
Savings Account No.: 575-3-57501112-9
Bank Swift Code: MBTCPHMM

(20120124) Important: One has to bring up the fact that all Metrobank related fees are to be waived when donating through this channel (per the information on the website).

The teller system does not automatically bring it up. I deposited my donation today and was asked to pay a fee of P50.00 (as the account opening branch is outside Metro Manila) to the Metrobank branch near SM Southmall - gladly.

I might come back another day to get my P50.00 back though. P50.00 is still P50.00, right? I'll just put it through to the account also and make sure it does not go to the bank.

(20120127) I went back to the branch to inform them of the fee waiver but was - in no uncertain terms - asked to "coordinate" it with the account opening branch. In other words, despite my explanations, the supervisor on duty decided in advance not to help me.

I can see through his poker face as he blew me off and as I am not ignorant of bank procedures this was doubly upsetting to me... so there. No matter, this is not about him. I pray for your freedom, Dondon!

(20121122) Responding to the call to be one of 1,500 donor, I deposited another 1000 today for Dondon's freedom account at the Metrobank near Starmall Las Pinas. I wasn't asked the P50.00 fee this time which was cool. Everything went smoothly. Inshalla, Dondon, God be with you to be your comfort and strength.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Renunciation of War

The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, Article 2, Section 2 states the following:

"The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of national policy, adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land and adheres to the policy of peace (1), equality (2), justice (3), freedom (4), cooperation and amity with all nations (5)."

1. Peace requires we understand War.
2. Equality requires we understand both human dignity and human promise.
3. Justice requires we understand the economy of the life of nations.
4. Freedom requires we understand the truth about ourselves before God.
5. Cooperation and amity with all nations requires we understand how to love our own and others like our own as citizens and fellow human beings upon the earth.

What about our own nation, my brother and sister Filipino?

Are we excluded here by our own Constitution?

Shall we renounce the use of war against each other first?

When shall we build the monuments
to remember this time in the life of our Country, my people?

When shall we count the names?

When shall we take the memory of our fallen in
and remember each their lives and each their promise
away from the poisonous darkness
this cruel division has so far
wrought upon the mind and soul of our nation?

Think about it -

I hate this conflict among ourselves
firstly because of (1) what it takes away - from us,
because of (2) what it prevents from arriving - for us,
and lastly, because of (3) what madness it inspires by its scandal - in us.

When you see this conflict
for what abomination it really is
in the eyes of both heaven
and of all the earth,
you will recoil.

From whatever side
- you claim to belong -
upon this one hallowed belonging
granted to us - equally, to all our generations -
by the great Providence of God
and the timeless merits of our people,
you will recoil!

I want you to set the eye of your heart
on the prize of Peace -
it is everything that is being denied our Country
at this point in time - wealth, prestige, quality of life,
and much, much more - every good thing
which ultimately leads our nation
to the freedom desired by all Filipino hearts.

- selah -

Forsake War, renounce it.

Salutation #91

The Ages of Country
is a measure of the maturity of our Republic;
a measure of the brightness of our national remembrance.

From emerging to developing to developed to mature to ascended,
the development of our Country through its natural ages in time (the first four ages)
and its perfection in Eternity (the fifth age) can be likened to a tree
growing upon our one earth - in a garden of many trees.

It is deliberately conceived as a more harmonious alternative
better suited to the unitive spirit of the times
than the implicitly divisive three worlds, one earth model
that projects a first, second, and third world.

We shall be aiming precisely for the fourth age - a mature Republic.

(The Fourth Age)

I can not see our Country
as anything else but a mature democracy -
a work of the truly free:

A hardy shelter of peace,
with wings strong enough to embrace
the whole of our one Filipino nation
- from least to great and great to least -
and spirit mighty enough to carry our one Republic forth
- across the vast wilderness of exile time -
from generation to generation,
from strength to strength,
and from truth to truth,
till all things in time are begun again by God
at the summit of our common Ascent
and the beginning of all things new.

Remembrance: The Ages of Country

Salutation #90

A Filipino is a kind of love and this love binds us together as one nation.

(Citizenship with Fidelity)

I believe in our people
- We, the Philippines -
every ethnic tribe
- that make us -
into one common community;
one lineage of hope,
7,107 islands strong!

And I recognize in myself
and in each of my compatriots,
the strength and the spirit
that bind us together
as one Filipino nation.

I shall be obedient
- to my parents -
and faithful
- to my God -
that I may learn to love virtue
and the good of others.

For I shall strive
to be useful to my nation
and shall work hard
to bring honor and joy
to my family,
to my school,
to my teachers
and to my community.

I shall always remember
the experiences of our history
that forged for our people,
one common destiny.

And I shall walk - forever -
in this remembrance,
deriving from
the sacred memory
of our heroes,
one common identity.

I shall keep true
to my common identity -
it is the reality
upon which
is established
the sacred trust
that binds the lives,
the labors
and the fortunes
of all Filipinos
- together -
into one lineage of hope;
one common citizenry.

And I will honor this
- sacred trust -
and work to fulfill this hope
in myself as a citizen
of our Republic endeavor,
drawing from the same
unyielding strength
that have empowered
the labors
of every Filipino
of every generation.

I will cherish and understand
our Republic endeavor -
it is the foundation
of our democratic processes
in the political,
and juridical institutions
and representative traditions
that maintain the good order
of our public peace
that shelter
and preserve
the life of our civil society.

And I shall maintain
a constant vigilance
over our democracy,
participating in the labors
that enrich and advance
the peace of our Republic,
seeking every means available,
to pursue the the common good
of our people
and realize
the eternal vision
of our nation
established in our Constitution.

I shall be brave
in the defense
of our Republic peace
and preserve
with my honor
and my life,
the truth of our Constitution
and the life of our generations.

And so
I shall embrace - forever -
all of these duties that I owe
to that undying dream
of freedom for myself
and for all Filipinos
being willing to freely
and humanly carry them out,
with much faith in God
and steadfast trust
in our Country,
kindled forever
like a flame in my heart
and in the hearts
of all my Filipino compatriots -
from always to always.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Ang Pilipinas

Isa-diwa -

Ang Pilipinas ay hindi bagay,
na maaring hawakan at kulungin -
ito'y parang isang pangako
na maari mo lamang tanggapin.

Isa-puso -

Ang Pilipinas ay hindi luha,
na pilit mo lamang didibdibin
ito'y parang isang paglayang
sa katotohanan ika'y kukupkupin.

Isa-buhay -

Ang Pilipinas ay hindi galit
na sa 'yong puso'y dadamdamin
ito'y parang isang panaginip
na sa 'yong buha'y dapat gisingin.

Isa-gawa -

Ang Pilipinas ay hindi sukat
na sa ibang tao'y iyong kukunin
ang katunayan nito'y pag-ibig
na sa iyong paglisa'y aalalahanin.

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!
Manatili nawa tayo sa alaala nang ating diwa.

Salutation #89

Mapalad ang Bayan na ang Diyos ay ang PANGINOON.

(Hindi Mo Lang Alam)

Hindi mo lang alam -
Pilipinas naming mahal,
- kung gaano kaganda -
ang inihandang bukas
ng Panginoong Diyos mo
para sa iyo.

Hindi mo lang alam ngayon -
Pilipinas naming mahal,
pagka't gabi pa't madilim
at hindi mo pa nakikita
- ang iyong sarili -
kung sino ka talaga.

O bayan kong iniibig -
hindi tayo nabubuhay para sa gabi;
ang diwa ng ating pagka-bansa'y
hindi sumasaatin dahil ito'y madilim.

Hindi tayo naririto -
kapwa ko kapatid nang Pangako,
upang sa tuluyang paglisan nitong kadilima'y
hindi sumikat kasama ng pagdating
ng bukangliwayway para sa ating Pilipinas.

Ang bansa nati'y kagaya ng araw
na sa ating Bandila'y walang kupas ang kinang,
walang takot at walang tigil ang ningning;
araw na nagbibigay sinag
sa kanyang mga talang
- matalas ang kislap -
laban sa mapangahas na kadiliman
nitong gabi ng ating pagdadalamhating
nagpapakilala lamang sa atin
sa darating na umaga.

Mga kapatid kong Pilipino,
ito ang umagang ipinangako sa atin
ng Poon nating Maykapal
- ang nag-iisa nating Diyos -
at Haring kanlungan ng lahat ng mga bansa;
ang paglayang sisikat din
sa pagbubunga ng Kapayapang
magbiyaya sa atin ng lubusang kalayaan
at kaunlaran sa ating mga salinglahi.

O bansang Pilipinas,
lupaing hinirang ng araw,
Pangako mo kapag ito'y nasilayan
ng puso nino man,
kayamanang walang hanggan,
pag-ibig na walang kamatayan.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Salutation #88

Free inquiry is a civic virtue,
it is a strength of ours to be able to think as a nation!

So we must each cultivate good habits of the mind -
the ability to think about our thinking.

My brother and sister Filipino -
are we not a free nation upon this world?

(Question Everything)

In a democracy, question everything.

Democracy is not an answer, it is a path.

We are a work of human liberty
reaching out to the only other Freedom
reaching out to us - across the void -
the perfection of God,
the unity of the LORD;
our one God and true King!

We are one ascent to the Truth -
a Country made whole by the justice of our peace;
a peace made one by our common desire to be happy.

So have a thirst, O soul of my people,
have a thirst for every true thing under heaven.

Never stop longing - not just for good things -
but for great things - truly great things!

- selah -

We exist in a world so full of longing.

There is longing in our world
because there is an emptiness in the self.

There is a constant seeking for answers.

We can never really know anything unless we ask
and those who have come to know something
- have come to their own knowledge -
not by a perfect understanding of the answers
but by an imperfect understanding
of the questions one ought to know about.

For there are questions we must ask,
there are questions we must learn to ask,
and there are questions we must never ask.

- selah -

In a democracy, question everything.
(That is, validate them in yourselves.)

Democracy is not an answer, it is a path.

Think about it -

"And I tell you,
ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door
will be opened to you.

For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks,
the door will be opened."

(Luke 11: 9-10)

Now, if you know the Kama Sutra
more than the Kalama Sutra -
its time to start thinking!

Do not go upon what has been acquired by repeated hearing,
nor upon tradition,
nor upon rumor,
nor upon what is in a scripture,
nor upon surmise,
nor upon an axiom,
nor upon specious reasoning,
nor upon a bias towards a notion that has been pondered over,
nor upon another's seeming ability,
nor upon the consideration, "The monk is our teacher."

Kalamas, when you yourselves know:

"These things are good; these things are not blamable; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness," enter on and abide in them.

- The Buddha, Kalama Sutra

Salutation #87

Judgment is the faculty of our soul - that -
deals with separating truth from untruth;
Light from Darkness.


To remove or to acquit?

Let me tell you this - decide.

Let us decide - and -
let us defend our decision together.

No nation is ruled by random chance.

There will be consequences
for every decision
we take* as a Country - good or bad.

(*Individual citizens make decisions,
our Congress takes them - in the context of this trial,
this means our incumbent citizen-servants
in the Senate, our Senator-Judges.
This is very important to understand.)

But if our immutable will - is -
to be true to the purpose
our God has established us, a nation
- imperfect though we may be -
all these imperfect choices
the LORD shall deign to bless.

And these shall ultimately lead our nation
- from generation to generation -
unto the Dawn!

For it is not we
who leads unto the Dawn, my people,
it is the LORD!

Personally speaking,
as your fellow citizen equally engaged
in this one Republic undertaking of Country,
I am ultimately inclined
to support our President Noy
for it is my conviction - that -
I must always defer to the Office
upon whose necessary authority
- every one of our presidents -
stands before we, the people.

- selah -

(I have other reasons
to support President Noy
- but they are wholly personal -
and so I shall exclude them
here in our consideration.)

But - good or bad - ultimately,
it is your choices we must defend, O my people,
so make these choices well and - decide.

Think about it -

(Refer to our 2nd Monthly Exercise)

Whatever happens here, we can not exclude a Filipino from being a Filipino.

We still have to take care of each other.

We are expected to only choose our friends, this is the only correct choice.

So we must - with all peoples and with all nations, abide in peace and good will. Our enemies make themselves.

For our values are the values of peace.

NOTE: A representative democracy does not exclude the participation of the people so make an informed decision and let your representatives know - write them, text them, twitter them, or pm them in facebook - express your opinions through the right channels. Above all, we must stand together as one nation.

On the first day of trial, at the closing - Senator Enrile was right to caution us about who we are - we are a nation, not a mob. (20120116)

- selah -

I will cherish and understand our Republic endeavor - it is the foundation of our democratic processes in the political, social and juridical institutions and representative traditions that maintain the good order of our public peace that shelter and preserve the life of our civil society.

And I shall maintain a constant vigilance over our democracy, participating in the labors that enrich and advance the peace of our Republic, seeking every means available, to pursue the the common good of our people and realize the eternal vision of our nation established in our Constitution.

(excerpted from Citizenship with Fidelity)

(20120123) The uncertainty being braved through by our peers in the senate chamber - our senator-judges, the prosecution, as well as the defense - about this whole impeachment trial is proof of its own significance.

For we are making a path here where there was none.

It is a path that if it is crafted properly and tread justly, with the utmost care about all those concerned (the nation not excepted), shall serve as a comfort and a guide for those generations who yet to stand at the helm of our great and noble Republic undertaking.

Yes, it is important!

Let us pray it concludes decisively.

The National Minimum

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lion of the Philippines!

Hail to the Lion -
defender of the people,
born and reborn again anew
through the spirit of thy election
resting mightily in thee!

Hail to the Lion -
guardian of the free,
reign over the darkness,
lead us ever unto the Morning
and onward to destiny!

Hail to the Lion -
keeper of the memory,
grant that thou may always remember -
thou art the scion of all our heroes
and faithful forever!

O Lion of the Philippines -
may the timeless glories of our nation;
its life, its love, its faith, its promise -
ever shine its eternal light upon thee
that it may in times of trial
and through deepest darkness
preserve in thee thy vision:
For God and Country!

Hail to the Lion!

Monday, January 9, 2012

A Crime Against All Nations

Is it right to unjustly take from a man his liberty and to threaten his own family with his own life?

At any time and at any place, this crime is an evil which no nation can tolerate - let alone ours, let alone if this man is a guest of our Republic!

Our national prestige and the individual honor of our entire citizenry is burdened (again) by this crisis.

Is it right to unjustly take from a man his liberty and to threaten his own family with his own life?

This is what is happening right now to this man - Warren Richard Rodwell - and the nations of the world, friends - both familiar as well as unfamiliar alike, are watching and remembering it.

What happens here is important - how much value we place upon this issue is determined by how important we generally perceive this unfolding crisis to really and truly be.

Let us dwell with open hearts upon the plight of this guest of ours - selah.

Because what we do here is important - all of us are somehow involved in this - because there is no other Philippines with which other nations shall seek to know us than this one.

I implore all who are directly involved to concentrate and employ all available means to secure justice for this man, working toward his soonest and safest release, and to bind the evil that had perpetrated this crime in our midst with all our might as one Republic whole.

I want us to bear always in mind - kidnappers are bound with the same gaggle of criminals as slavers and human traffickers - theirs is but one spirit - an enemy of Mankind - hostis humani generis.

This is a crime against all nations.

And as we are a nation of Mankind - we can not tolerate this here.

My prayers go with Wocca, his family, and to Australia - may God see us all safely through this unwanted and unwelcome ordeal.

UPDATE: As of 20130323, Saturday, I came across an article in the news that Wocca has been freed by his captors. Bless the LORD for this day!

This is welcome news but still, the safe release of Mr. Rodwell doesn't override the fact that this criminal act should never have been done to him in the first place.

There never should have been a break in the liberty of his person nor threats issued against his God-given right to his own life.

At this time, Mr. Rodwell should immediately report to his embassy. If I know Australia, I know that whole nation is anxious to know that he is safe and sound.

I believe there are still hostages being held against their will - in this Country - by threats, criminal in their nature, that directly violate both their dignity and their rights and so the work continues... for it must.

Go now and do what War does not expect;
in a million forms, in a million ways, serve -

Love your own and others like your own.

We are Complete

Let me bless the LORD, my honorable nation,
Let me bless the LORD before thee, my beloved people,
for God saw it fit that my silent seeking should be answered -
had we but two of the great Abrahamic faiths
present in the midst of our peoples?

No, my Philippines - we are complete.

Alleluia - bless the Name of God, our King - we are complete!

I did not think till yesterday early morning that we had a living branch of Elder Israel dwelling within the bounds of our Country.

So to the Jewish Community here in our Philippines, let me say this blessing unto each of thee -

The LORD bless you and keep you!
The LORD let his face shine upon
you, and be gracious to you!
The LORD look upon you kindly and
give you peace!

At mabuhay po tayong lahat!

We are different, yet we are the same -

Shalom. Salaam. Peace.

Salutation #86

Of the Responsible State,
it must be said - there is no state more superior,
regardless of it's present governing framework,
than one that brings peace to the people.

A state must be judged by the people and the people by their peace.
A peaceful nation is a happy people ruled by a just state.

This state (the civilian leadership and its necessary administration),
regardless of its governing framework philosophy (in its present evolution),
is a just state - it is a Responsible State!

As all that is truth
cleave unto each other in the ascent,
so does freedom become ennobled
by the ennobling presence of freedom.


Peace, I salute you.

What's really on trial next week?

I want you see behind the externals
and look above the personalities involved,
and to perceive this impeachment in terms national
which extends across the life of our generations -

What's on trial next week
is an old and oppressive system
of selfish elitism and mindless factionalism -
a system which is disloyal to the life of our Republic;
a system we, the people, have allowed to endure
and have now the rare opportunity
to directly check and peaceably correct.

You feel the subtle effects of this system
('tis a rule of War, a mindless paradigm of division)
for it is like a tyranny without a tyrant
and its unfamiliar spirit is here in our midst
because we have allowed it to creep deep into our culture -
right into the very nook and cranny of every Filipino home
the sacredness of which our Constitution
- explicitly protects as inviolate -
because it is from each of our homes
where both our fortunes as well as our futures
as one Republic whole are broken or made.
(And War would have us all undone, my nation -
from weak to strong, and from lie to lie.)

Each home in our Republic is a bastion of Country,
for no matter how it is built - how magnificent or how humble -
each of our homes is dignified and defended by the laws
that we owe to each other equally - to recognize and uphold -
laws kept so that kings and presidents may not enter
any one of our homes - from least to great -
(but especially the least from among all)
without each our express permission -
let alone the spirit of War!

- selah -

My beloved people,
in exactly one week from now,
we shall arrive at a crossroads...
(only one of the many along our straight path)
where we shall each perceive
two paths leading out into the distance.

We shall each invest in a choice - as a nation -
a choice we must make more through our faith
- in the workings of God and of Country -
than through individual knowledge of any kind.

So that if we are still not established upon the truth
of who we are as a people and why we are as a nation,
when the time comes and everything speeds up once again
and the currents become for us turbulent -
we might get swept away - again -
into a place in time
we don't ever want to be.

We have no other home away from Home
- here upon this world of earth and fire -
than our one Republic of the Philippines;
we are but one vessel, one boat, one ship.

My brothers and sisters of the Promise,
we can no longer afford to be complacent.

There is no pulling ourselves back up river
for once it runs down water,
it must eventually reach the sea.

Think about it -

Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light (spirit).

And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness (judgment).

God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day (authority).

- Genesis 1: 3-5

Power is what calms the sea, it is what divides the waters, it is what distinguishes the light from the darkness.

Among the nations, power is the presence of authority.

Likewise, lack of authority is the absence of power.

(Please also see - One Song Meow: Power.)

The Paradox of Power

Sheltering Wings

Friday, January 6, 2012

Longing for Peace

This is my entry for the current OPAPP contest (to win a 2012 planner) - the question that is being fielded today through Twitter is this:

What's your own forecast for the GPH-MILF peace process?

This is my answer -

I long for the day when the rule of War is broken and peace to reign in our Country - I long for it like I long for breath.

Simply put, if you - like me - know the value of peace, we can not but say that the peace process must succeed. (And it eventually will because if the nations of the LORD don't do it, God Himself shall accomplish His purpose for all our nations.)

The real question here is when?

For "when" is ruled by how faithful our desire for the truth - by our remembrance of the Day.

If we are truly sincere, my brother and sister Filipinos, and if we remain steadfast in our desire for the daybreak of peace to finally dawn upon our Land of the Morning, being merciful and kind to our own true selves as a people upon this earth, the truth shall soon arrive - for us.

For peace is the purpose we are here as a nation; the sooner we remember why we are and who we must be, the sooner we shall arrive at that place in time where the dawn meets our dreams - together this time.

Oh, and I would really, really love a planner - thanks!

Salutation #85

Lead us back to you, O LORD, that we may be restored:
give us anew such days as we had of old.

For now you have indeed rejected us,
and in full measure turned your wrath against us.

Lamentations 5: 21-22

(Law and Justice)

The practice of law is the practice of justice.

It is one act of charity.

Law is the breadth
and justice is the depth,
mercy is the awesome completeness
of its embrace in Man.

The depths of Man knows justice
- where and when it is present -
but more acutely
when and where it is absent.

The breadth of law
is the force that shapes
the destiny of nations
and guides each the order of it - across time,
keeping its necessary discipline
and exact form distinct
from the chaos
and the emptiness of the void.

Both law and justice is completed in mercy
and mercy perfected in charity,
even the charity of God.

For as long the soul of Man pines for God,
the heart of Man longs for justice;
for as long the heart of Man longs for justice,
the Law of the LORD exists!

And the laws of the nations derive their authority from it.

For further reflection -

If law is a container,
then justice is the water.

How full it is depends on the water.
How satisfying it is depends on the container.
One can not be without the other. 

For a container without water
brings no comfort to the thirsty
and water without a container
sinks afoul into corruption.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Salutation #84

Peace is the medium for our togetherness
- the freedom to be one heart and one mind -
'tis the spirit that binds each our souls together;
the completeness that makes our generations belong;
the unity which is the foundation of our prosperity.

(Building Together)

Let's go Philippines
- let's build, build, build -
build those timeless connections,
build those lasting institutions,
build good, nay - great government,
build better infrastructure,
build better roads and better bridges,
build better railways and better airways,
build great monuments to life and the art of life,
build wholly responsible businesses,
build wholesome relationships,
build stronger families,
build all those legacies to last...

And may the Peace of the LORD be with us all.

- selah -

Bear into thy mind and heart - always -

We are not building a Republic to last a year or ten years.

We are building a shelter of Country for all our generations
unto the last of our generations.

This is the truth.