CF Pages

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Salutation #90

A Filipino is a kind of love and this love binds us together as one nation.

(Citizenship with Fidelity)

I believe in our people
- We, the Philippines -
every ethnic tribe
- that make us -
into one common community;
one lineage of hope,
7,107 islands strong!

And I recognize in myself
and in each of my compatriots,
the strength and the spirit
that bind us together
as one Filipino nation.

I shall be obedient
- to my parents -
and faithful
- to my God -
that I may learn to love virtue
and the good of others.

For I shall strive
to be useful to my nation
and shall work hard
to bring honor and joy
to my family,
to my school,
to my teachers
and to my community.

I shall always remember
the experiences of our history
that forged for our people,
one common destiny.

And I shall walk - forever -
in this remembrance,
deriving from
the sacred memory
of our heroes,
one common identity.

I shall keep true
to my common identity -
it is the reality
upon which
is established
the sacred trust
that binds the lives,
the labors
and the fortunes
of all Filipinos
- together -
into one lineage of hope;
one common citizenry.

And I will honor this
- sacred trust -
and work to fulfill this hope
in myself as a citizen
of our Republic endeavor,
drawing from the same
unyielding strength
that have empowered
the labors
of every Filipino
of every generation.

I will cherish and understand
our Republic endeavor -
it is the foundation
of our democratic processes
in the political,
and juridical institutions
and representative traditions
that maintain the good order
of our public peace
that shelter
and preserve
the life of our civil society.

And I shall maintain
a constant vigilance
over our democracy,
participating in the labors
that enrich and advance
the peace of our Republic,
seeking every means available,
to pursue the the common good
of our people
and realize
the eternal vision
of our nation
established in our Constitution.

I shall be brave
in the defense
of our Republic peace
and preserve
with my honor
and my life,
the truth of our Constitution
and the life of our generations.

And so
I shall embrace - forever -
all of these duties that I owe
to that undying dream
of freedom for myself
and for all Filipinos
being willing to freely
and humanly carry them out,
with much faith in God
and steadfast trust
in our Country,
kindled forever
like a flame in my heart
and in the hearts
of all my Filipino compatriots -
from always to always.