CF Pages

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Salutation #97

Do you know why this is the Land of the Morning?

Because when the Morning comes, my beloved people,
our common generations will ask -

"where is the darkness?"

(Do Not Entertain It)

The spirit of War desires
the ultimate destruction
of our nation -

Its lie shifts here and there,
hither and tither the darkness goes -
everything, a sinister and intelligent design
to carry our hearts far from the truth
of who we are, my people.

Do not entertain it.

wax full in thy own heart of understanding,
the peace that is native to all Filipinos -
let us drink of it freely.

And let War drink its own poison.

My brothers and sisters of the Promise,
no matter what you hear, no matter what you see,
it really doesn't matter when you know what you want...

we're going to build a Republic worthy of all Filipinos
- together this time.