CF Pages

Monday, January 30, 2012

Salutation #96

But rather, let him who glories, glory in this,
that in his prudence he knows me, knows that I, the LORD,
bring about kindness, justice and uprightness on the earth;
For with such am I pleased, says the LORD.

(Jeremiah 9: 23)

(The Glory is the LORD's)

When God delivers us, we are all delivered.

does it matter who gets the credit
when it is God Himself Who wills it?

The LORD Himself
calls out to our nation,
"become thee restored
to thy one, true self!"

as God will's it, my people,
the soul of our nation cries out for peace
- we all know it by heart.

Shall we not labor and pray
for what God wants to give us?

When God delivers us, we are all delivered.

does it matter who gets the credit
when it is God Himself Who wills it?

God love us all.