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Monday, January 23, 2012

Kung Hei Fat Choi 2012

May this year be one of new beginnings - for all the peoples of our needful world - but especially for our Asia.

May this year usher in an even more significant increase of peace in our Asia, particularly here in our region of Asia South East, and here in our own Philippines.

There is only one Asia.

Therefore, there can only be one peace for our Asia.

May all Asians seek this peace - from Israel to the Philippines, from Siberia to Indonesia - and may we all find it.

So from the Philippines to our region of Asia South East,
and from our region of Asia South East to the whole of our Asia,
and from the whole of our Asia to the whole of our world,
so needful of much respite and repair -

Kung Hei Fat Choi - Mabuhay! God bless us all.

Be the change.