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Friday, October 7, 2011


Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary

"A Christian without prayer is like a soldier without a rifle."

My brothers and sisters of the Promise, I have always stressed both the importance of prayer as well as the universality of prayer.

Prayer is as necessary to the soul of Man as breathing is to his body.

There is no Man on earth - past, present, or future - who, having seen creation in a constant state of prayer, has never thought to look inward and gaze into the depths of that irresistible Silence within himself without asking the questions he knows in his heart of hearts he may only address to God.

No human heart is fool enough to resist the power of prayer. Indeed, all of creation around us - seen and unseen - exists in a constant state of prayer.

Therefore, no Man who has ever existed, exists or shall ever exist may ever truly claim to have never prayed.

For prayer is a common human need. It is an attitude of the human heart.

In a faithful Republic, prayer is protected and this protection extends especially to all places of holy worship - temples, churches, synagogues, and mosques.

Prayer is the first thing. It is also the last thing.

- selah -

Brothers and sisters in Christ the Lord, the Roman Catholic feast we celebrate today is perhaps, the only feast that celebrates the power of prayer. It is significant in our times in that, it has the power to bring our nation into a state of more perfect unity.

As nations, we have been formed in battle - the history of the feast of the Holy Rosary is witness to this fact - War is the reason for which we now exist as nations.

As nations, we have fought each other for so long it has become difficult to accept that Peace, not War, is the Cause for which we have always existed as nations.

War gave us our fiery births. But God is our beginning as well as our last end.

I bid us to reflect on this and to also reflect on our Rosary of Hope. October is after all, the month of the Most Holy Rosary.

In this new age of peace, the Rosary will take on a new significance. It shall serve to combat the greatest nemesis of the Queen of Peace - the beast of War.

So let us honor our Lady by learning to be strong in Christ, our Savior, and let us begin this by a persistent, almost suicidal bent on Christian prayer.

After the omnipotent and invulnerable prayer of Holy Mass, let us cling to the humble, trusting and thoughtful recitation of the Rosary of our Lady as a choice weapon in the spiritual combat.

Let us become proficient in its use!

Please also read: A Remembrance of Fatima

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.

Mama Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Mama Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Mama Mary, Refuge of Sinners, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Patron Saint of the Suffering Addict and Refuge of the Recovering Addict, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

Blessed Jacinta Marto, Courageous for Sinners, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

Prosper the Peace. Prosper the People.