CF Pages

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Salutation #54

Mapalad ang Bayan na ang Diyos ay ang PANGINOON.


In 2045,
if we choose Peace today,
if we are patient, if we are persistent,
we will look back at the songs we sing today
and the songs we shall be singing then
and we shall as one nation praise the LORD!

When we realize how God
has turned our mourning into rejoicing,
we will praise the LORD!

When we realize how God
has transformed the pain of our our repentance
into the power of our freedoms together,
we will praise the LORD!

When we realize how God
has embraced all our little crosses
in order to bring our people forth into victory,
we will praise the LORD!

When we realize how God
has answered our songs of hope and longing
- gently, surely, patiently, wisely, mercifully, and generously -
and turned them into those songs of love and heroism,
and hymns of thanksgiving, glad tidings, and constant adoration,
we will praise the LORD!

If we choose Peace today, O my people,
my beloved brothers and sisters of the Promise,
- by 2045 -
if we are patient, if we are persistent,
all the problems that confound us today shall be no more.

If only we turn our hearts to God
- if we listen to Him -
we will find
as our gaze turns slowly away
from the darkness into the Light,
that all the persistent shadows that have plagued us in the past
- will have fled our people -
as the future opens up
into the skies of a new horizon
at the dawn of our new, old Philippines.

If we are to win the Peace of the LORD from God today,
we only have to seek it and to choose it absolutely
and we shall become who we are as we are
- who we must be for each other -
as citizens to each other,
a keeper and a friend.

For we are a patient and persistent people.

And we always have been a patient and persistent people
- since we became a people -
at the beginning of the long march of our nations
at the autumnal dusk of our faded Eden, mabuhay!

A forward thinking nation is a nation guided by the light of its own truth.

Let us always remember, we are a forward thinking nation!

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.

Last October 3rd is German Unity Day.

Mabuhay, one Germany!