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201112 Challenge #6 - The Freedom to be Free

Greed is the real dirt.

In our last monthly exercise, I left you with a brief consideration about the individual peace.

I trust that you also freely did the work of making the meditations that would make last month's topic personally meaningful to you as yourself.

I can never dictate to you what your peace for you really is or what your happiness for you is truly like but being engaged in the same pursuit, I may offer to share with you what these are not.

Therefore, in this month's exercise (and especially because this month is the month of Christmas) I shall propose to you that the happiness we seek is NOT a material happiness.

It shall compose of these Salutations 74 & 75.

As well as a brief consideration on the twin phenomenons of materialism (and the contrast between being merely materialistic and being materially rich) and rogue consumerism (both of which are part and parcel of the evil that we must meet in our present time - as nations dreaming together this time).

The rest of the combined reflections of these are again yours until we meet again with a fresh new exercise in the first month of the new year, 2012.

Remember too that in all of this, our one Republic has the advantage of youth, and our Nation of age.

DAILY EXERCISE: Citizen, how do you contribute to the awakening of the Dream?