CF Pages

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Preserve us all in Thy Peace

O LORD God, 
help us with our present work of peace.

Guide us through as You always have 
and see us through this difficult time.

Look with mercy upon our present distress, 
O LORD and one Sovereign of all human nations,
make Thy Countenance shine upon our Country,
let Thy Light dispel the enveloping darkness...

Counsel those who are in doubt.
Comfort those who are in sorrow.
Carry the needy forth from troubles.

Be our refuge and our strength!

Manifest to this one, faithful Republic 
in particular to our responsible leadership, 
Thy will of justice and good for all our peoples.

Preserve our common hopes as a human people.
Preserve our dream of a better Philippines.
Preserve us all in Thy Peace.
