CF Pages

Monday, October 15, 2012

Walker on the Path

If you think the straight path is straight because of the path, you haven't really looked beyond yourself to see what lies ahead...

Peace be with you!

If you feel that our world -
which needs so much of our love and care -
is presently difficult and confusing,
then let us fall back to our own nation
and work to improve the peace of our Republic
from within our national communities.

If you feel like our nation -
which needs so much of our love and care -
is presently difficult and confusing,
then let us fall back to our own selves
and work to improve the peace of our Republic
from within our own families
and circle of friends.

All of this we can achieve
by continually choosing to being better
than our own worst selves...
and in spite of it.

(Is not the first meditation of our rosary of hope
the strongest foundation of all the other hopes?)

- selah -

We do what we can, the best we can -
the rest we leave to the care of Almighty God
and to other citizens not unlike ourselves.

The straight path is straight not because of the path
but because of the walker on the path.

Refer to: Salutation #83 (Straight Path)
              Salutation #150 (Rosary of Hope)