CF Pages

Friday, June 29, 2012

Salutation #141

There were two worlds
presented to me in a vision -

One was ordered, blessed, and free
- shining with a myriad living lights -
and the other was dark, empty, and forgotten;
indistinct from the void of all things that never were.

These worlds are not ruled by two gods
but presented to us by one God alone
as a choice to the human heart
and a path for our nations.

refer to Crystal Blue Sphere 

(The Two Clocks)

The will of War
and the will of Peace
can be likened to two clocks.

Either one - and only one -
of these two clocks may exist
at the heart of a nation at any given time -
right at the very head waters.

Each clock dictates
the general inclination of the people
and works to synchronize the vital movements
of each our will of Country.

One clock inescapably leads
to a time of death and desolation
and the other to a time of life and abundance.

We move forward
only by the weight of the burdens
we must bear with each other as a nation
and this burden is the burden of Justice.

It is a burden that grows
- ever the heavier -
under the suffocating crush of War
and ever the lighter under
the sheltering wings of Peace.

When we follow
or are led to follow
the clock of War,
the clock of War moves forward
as the clock of Peace is stopped.

When we follow
or are led to follow
the clock of Peace,
the clock of Peace moves forward
as the clock of War is stopped.

When we allow
the will of War to steal away
the lives and the promise
of each our fellow Filipino compatriots,
the clock of War is hastened.

When we allow
the will of Peace to work to fulfill
the lives and the promise
of each our fellow Filipino compatriots,
the clock of Peace is hastened.

Either clock leads - all the way -
to the higher purposes of God for all creation
unto the LORD's ultimate will of completion
for all things, seen and unseen.

But the choice is always ours
which one to follow.

For we can only follow one.

- selah -

One may only imagine what clock
our world has been taking its time* from
by the name we have learned to call it by -

"The Doomsday Clock"

(*time here determines direction in the national will -
in essence it is what rules over the heart of the people
being either an inclination or disinclination to the truth
and determines the disposition of the spirit of any nation)

(original produced 20110517)