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Monday, November 3, 2014

Time and For Always

There are some things reflected in their moments...

when the soul is struck by a sudden impression of a great majesty...

or the spirit is instantly moved by an act of great nobility...

When you see a glimpse of what is beautiful in the common everyday...

When the heart sees glimpses of what is true in time... what is for always...

Moments that unconsciously invite unto thy external observation
the sweet expectation that there may exist an unseen realm
apart and beyond what is visible and temporal...

Seeker, how may the soul of Man have an expectation of what in time is for always?

If the human soul itself exists upon temporal realms alone
and therefore perishable and corporeal with the physical body,
why does it delight in things spiritual, in moments that are for always?

Indeed the souls of animals and plants do not indulge in spiritual matters absolutely.

If the soul of Man is no different, why do we persist to contradict ourselves
and seek those things beyond the immediate
and risk the ruin of our species?

Why do we possess souls that need to seek and to be sought
in the spiritual and not just the corporeal?

Seeker, 'tis because...

we are human.