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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Global Peace Index 2014

My fellow Filipinos, brothers and sisters of the Promise, our Philippines recently placed below the first fifty nations in the recent Global Peace Index. We ought to aim to be with the first fifty.

From 2014 forward, we shall endeavor in this blog to follow and analyze our yearly ranking on this Index.

This year we are at 134 out of 162.

Peace moves along a much broader front than the peace processes this Republic of ours has collectively and formally determined to bring to fore in the life of our nation.

Peace insofar as the Global Index is concerned holds to a larger view.

That's perfectly fine. 

We must not take it in from its own vantage though. Lest we feel lost and overwhelmed by the height. Our peace processes on the ground provides us with somewhere to begin.

This is why we are aiming modestly.

Our peace processes are a litmus test of our greater capacity to unify the soul and spirit of our people. Its equitable and decisive conclusions and their effects are presupposed to further incline a greater part of ourselves to a much larger work very much close at hand - that of building up our one Republic from emerging to developing to developed.

From here on, I am convinced we shall begin to see much more significant improvements on our Peace Index ranking that will allow us to dream (not fantasize) to belong with the first 20 nations on the Index.

It is not impossible for us to improve. As a matter of fact, we should have every reason to believe we can.

We are a nation after all, our State is well expressed in spirit if not yet in form, and our Republic is born from well-proven seeds, still quite young and perhaps not yet so well grounded in the soul and soil of our people. Indeed we have much to do and over time and I know we can do this...

Prosper in our peace.

First of all, to preclude all the unfolding political drama from becoming a running saga in ourselves, we shall re-visit the art of Civics. That we may together endeavor to know what is right in politics.

I will be posting my thoughts about this soon that I may share them with you.

Salaam. Shalom. Peace. Mabuhay po tayong lahat.

To check out the 2014 Global Peace Index page, go to: Vision of Humanity