CF Pages

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Salutation #200

The spirituality of peace is connection.
It is a common human striving. Known to all peoples.
It seeks wholeness in the self and unity with the community.

(The Eternal Salutation)

Peace is the eternal salutation.
Before all things were, peace was with God.
Peace preceded heaven and earth from the beginning.
Peace is foundation, deeper than one might think... 
Peace is a blessing, it is the primordial grace of creation.

Peace is sown in community and reaped in good will.
It is what gathers the wandering tribes of the earth.
It is what sends them forth as a human people.
Peace grounds the mystical reality of human community.

A nation grows its roots deep into its living memory.
And withstands the scattering winds of the restless enemy.