CF Pages

Sunday, August 31, 2014



Thought is not thinking.
When thinking happens. Thought is the environment.
Thought is a realm greater than the thinker.
Much greater than what the thinker may think.

Time in the mind is a place detached from space.
It is a spirit landscape. Fleeting. Ephemeral. Restless.
It is bright towards the dawn. Away from the light, dark.
Ebbing and flowing as a tide. There are nights without end.

If the mind is not a seeker. And the thinking is not led.
Every twilight becomes a riddle. Every crossroads confuse.
And as the questions lead to a nowhere that is deep.
The journey itself retreat.

If the knower and teacher are one:
Where in thy mind may daybreak ever meet?

If the knower and teacher are one...
If the mind is not a seeker. And the thinking is not led.
A mind in standing still is like a person standing still.
Unmoved. Truly so! Where then is the learner?
Aren't thou a student to thy own soul?


Light is beloved to the living.
To the truly living, it bestows true sight.
Indeed all knowledge must be beloved to the learned.
But the knowing is not possessed by the knowledge itself.
It is in the loving.

Knowledge is an instrument Love lends the mind.
That the eye of the understanding become opened unto itself.
We may not seek with a lively sight what we do not know.
We can not love with a virile spirit what we do not seek.

Soon enough, in her own time, Love will take back her Wisdom.
Whatever season that may be, all knowledge will return to its Beloved.
And thy love shall leave for thee, Seeker, its own harvest.
That the soul may understand plenitude or penury.

A thinking mind is an unmoved traveler, a seeker of truth.
A seeking mind is a hearing heart, a lover of song and star.


Where then is the learner?
Aren't thou a student to thy own soul?