CF Pages

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Salutation #197

A forward thinking nation, that is who we must be;
a people endowed through their generations with well-informed thought -
living, loving, learning, grieving, working, and playing as a society of citizens
constantly empowered by the power of their own good thinking.

(Forward Thinking Nation)

All souls that seek are living souls.

It is in our seeking that maketh us to feel alive.
Led by a light that beckon each from outside of the self.
And thought is the light that enlivens the soul of a thinking nation -

Thought that is good 
maketh the love in the heart 
shine in the mind!

Information enlightened by thought is knowledge. 
And knowledge blessed by the soul of a thoughtful nation 
leadeth all its citizens to be gathered together in peace.

A thoughtful people possesses 
a mind of prayer and a heart of faith; 
theirs is a science pure and free.

Just as the faith of a man or a woman 
allow their souls to seek the truth,
the soul of a faithful nation 
allows for all living souls 
to become gathered together 
and know peace.

This is who we have always been...

- selah -

What we need to do is return -
to a common memory of the little things,
the steadfast littleness of good things - those fine, fine things
that maketh the infinite, infinite in us.

Little acts of kindness builds a compassionate community.

Like mighty, little stones these nameless motions are 
which fastened together by the cement of our good will
become the great and courageous walls that rise up 
as a common shelter to our families and friends 
against the malice of the enemy.

Great power does not hold the beast back. 

Great love does.

And great love is never great without these little things
that maketh the infinite, infinite in us.

Let us begin.