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Saturday, August 16, 2014

On Food Security

Hunger in Man we will not be able to fully address as Nations in exile. It is hunger in the Nation that we should contemplate - hunger as a social evil.

Food Security is the primary means we will utilize to defend the Republic from this social evil.

What is Food Security?

Food Security is the presence of the ready means to effectively address the basic question of hunger in our national communities.

Availability and Accessibility is key.

This is how I interpret it to be.

It is must always be planned in surpluses yearly, ahead of the basic food requirement of a healthy Nation. Necessary adjustments might occur to us, in the course of our build, according to prevailing climate and market readiness conditions.

Rice is the natural foundation of our Food Security. Rice shall also be the means we may use to measure our successes and deficiencies in this regard. We will develop Rice Sufficiency as a Region with ASEAN.

Consistent and cost-effective agricultural modernization, progressive, positive agrarian reform, the empowerment and establishment of "green" Provinces, the establishment of an efficient distribution network, and effective strategic warehousing systems in the Republic - done to address the basic question of hunger as a National development imperative may add together to form a structure whereby we may secure reasonable degrees of Food Security in behalf of our citizenry.

Hunger is not circuitous.

The means to secure ourselves from it through Food Security may not be as straightforward. But the core compass direction we will be building towards must always remain clear and quite resistant to any untoward politics, regardless of its positioning platform or guiding personalities.

We will be grinding at a stone. But obtaining a clear vision in this regard will allow us wear out this granite mountain down to a molehill long before our convictions become dulled.

Without the actual means to defend this Republic against hunger, the question of poverty as an adverse social phenomenon will always outwit and outflank both our thought and our will as a people.

Poverty is its own solution to a Nation determined. Providence decreed our labors to come together unto the good and were never meant to be but a futile suffering. But we have to have a clear vision.

No human being in this planet is immune from hunger. Even our politics must understand that.

Hunger as a National development imperative motivating Food Security simply seeks to adequately address this basic need in Man through the Republic as a functional, synergistic whole, impressing upon our citizenry that each Filipino citizen possesses an equal share in the Philippine State.

We owe it to ourselves as a whole, from least to great, to help each other advance the greater human causes Providence, through the heritage of our citizenship, have seen it fit to endow us with this same belonging.

Addressing this need in the Nation creates work. Labor - good, honest, gainful work - that affirms for our Republic the value of human life and, according to each our labors, elevates human dignity to a station met for every human person.