CF Pages

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Love for the Elderly

It may be clear to many in the Nation how we inherit from the love of our children the ability to reach into our common tomorrow and affect the shape of days to come. But what of our elderly?

Elderly people are a blessing. The Filipino soul has known this forever. Our elders deserve our love and respect. And deserve it unconditionally. (see R.A. 9257, that make exception in their behalf.)

The elderly in the Nation comprise from among us, all of those generations most experienced in the nuances of the National life. Especially those whose days are nearly spent, who have spent their lives sedulously preparing our generations for life, and are now preparing for death.

Our elders have the ability to transmit to our younger generations a common sense of proven truths that make it easier for us to realize their hard-fought wisdom in our own lives.

If we, through our living culture, are a people capable of appreciating the love and the lives of our elder generations properly, then we stand to save ourselves a lot of trouble and pain.

And so enable us to channel our energies more efficiently, as an economy of generations, into the ascent of our Country into its ages in time and unto the Truth.

Or we can fail our elderly. And slide into two extremes. To either become too overly submissive or too excessively antagonistic of our older folks. In both extremes, we have come to fear our elders more than we love them. Fear them with a selfish fear. Love them with a hollow love.

For both extremes are pretenses. They are lies once took in, deprives us of our own Nation's sense of foundation and denies our present generation the unyielding strength of a living memory. As with all lies, its power lies in the depth of our willing belief, in the strength of our self-deception.

In the former, we lose our nascent ability to self-realize the distinct potential of our own generation and fall short of being sufficient in our own good against the evil of our day.

In the latter, we fail to bring forward what momentum of hope the memory of each passing generation may seek to impart to the labor of our present time.

We become a generation disjointed from the power of the present moment (the Now) and from the power of the living memory of the Nation (the We forever).

Each generation is always faced with an evil sufficient for its own distinct good. If we are wise, and if we are vigilant, each our generation is always sufficient to endure the evil of their own day.

Now, all our common generations in the Nation together form a lineage, and from each other gather a certain momentum in time. Much like a diesel locomotive.

Imagine then what can stand against a Nation determined.

A Nation is a people first.