CF Pages

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Bright Morning Star

There are in the soul of Man
Periods of Nights without a Twilight

When in our sorrows as human beings
Cast adrift into the darkness of exile
Which is a darkness of death
Death which at every moment appear
To our poor hearts as uncertainty
Descending as a veil of shadow and tears
Discomforting as well as confusing us all
We awaken to a thirst for the Morning
By a call that comes from beyond
The prison of the self

There appears before us
A bright morning Star

Lucifer was an angel of light
When darkness yet retained its innocence
He was the first of the Stars of the Morning 
Tasked by God to make every Twilight possible 
And to make peace with the Night
The night which was the first Night
Which was a darkness of rest
Rest which was
The life of our learning

We all know what he did

Lucifer in beholding Beauty
Sought to make his light his own

In so doing he scattered
A third of the Stars of the Firmament
And the Skies of the First Sufficiency
Were shattered

He fell into a Twilight
That is the beginning of his undoing
The peace between first Day and first Night
vanished from Heaven

There was a council of the First
Wherein Salvation was conceived
In the form of Man

Neither Lucifer nor his angels
Bowed to serve this creature before God.
The sin of the Devil's pride was conceived
And the realm of Angelic wonder and glory
became a sweeping Desolation

There was a War in Heaven
It rages on in our human hearts

Another Bright Morning Star
Now appears before us

The former
In the midst of the pain of our exile
Desire our complete and utter destruction before God
Calling us to enter into a form of darkness
Apart from our exile darkness
The darkness of sin
That leads the soul to wander
Thirsting restlessly about
Across endless nights
Without a twilight
Into the depths of a darkness
Which is madness
Unto a death which is certain

We are the wounded travelers
As in the Parable of the Good Samaritan
That Satan uses
By using our pain
And our fear
To turn us against each other
And multiply his dominion
Over our souls
Over the life of our communities
And over our own native
Human realm

For he knows
He had lost his realm
And his own place in Heaven

Now Satan seeks the same
For Man
And for all that belong to Man
Along with all the life of the Earth

The universe is almost barren
Because of him

He first brought ruin
To our First Parents
Then he placed enmity
Between Man and Woman
Then brought brother against brother

Now he seeks the undoing
Of the Nations the LORD hath sent
To make His Peace known
Between us and among us
And gather up through His Goodwill
All the Children of Mankind

Yes, we all know what Satan did

Another Bright Morning Star
Now appears before us

We all know what He did
Yes, we all know what He did

For this one is Christ the Lord
Not the equal of Satan
But his God
his God and ours
He Who Is - the LORD
Come to Man as Emmanuel

Jesus Christ our Savior
He Who Is the Son
And our Salvation
Long before
Any of us needed saving

And He desires for each of us
What we have long desired
For ourselves
But could not purchase
And could never purchase
Either by our own human limits
Or by our own weaknesses
And in spite of our sinfulness
The mighty power
And the efficacious grace
To set us all free
From the thrall of Satan
And his evil dominion
Over our one
Human habitation

That we might be forever
At home with ourselves
And also
Have a home
Forever for ourselves

A home that is free and at peace
With the many realms
Of the Father's glorious Creation
For many rooms
has the LORD's House
Our God

There is no other

Christ leads into Morning
Glimpses of an endless wonder
Endless joy
And endless Days and Nights
Of contemplating
The infinite face of Beauty

He seeks the weak
And the sick
And the imperfect
Because that is what
We all are

In Christ
In the midst of all this darkness
We are saved
By a Savior mighty to save
Not Satan's equal but his God
his God and our God
One with the Father and the Spirit
Through Whom
We are made rich indeed
Wealthy beyond our imagination

There is no other

Happy the Man
Who knows the difference
Who seeks and is found