CF Pages

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Friendships without Frontiers

I dream of me and you, dear Starshine,
born and reborn in a million shades and hue,
upon a world without fears, in nations without tears -
an earth living the dream, of friendships without frontiers.

Above the tainted gray clouds of my own indifference,
through a force stronger than the pull of all that prejudice...
I sought to see beyond the deception of a million worthless labels,
and hear above the incessant din of faceless voices of nameless hatreds,
that I may fly to the simple you and I and in the simple you and I - the one we.

I never used to appreciate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. because I used to view the Civil Rights Movement in the United States as a movement for the rights of black people.

Now that I have deepened my remembrance of these things, I know that Dr. King fought for the rights of ALL people, and that in his own way and in his own time, this person - far be he in external appearances from my time and my place - truly fought for me and stood up for my rights.

Now I can not stop loving and respecting the man - for here he stands proudly, with all my heroes.

When we fight for minority rights against majority indifference;
when we together stand up for the least of us who can not stand up for themselves;
when we strive hard for the simple uplift of the spirit of the downfallen and the despairing
most especially the least of these from among all of the Children of our Mankind
- from any human nation Divine Providence has seen it fit to work in our hearts,
our LORD's compassionate concern for the causes of our common humanity -
we inadvertently work - alone or with others - towards the ultimate liberation of the souls of all Men
from that unhappy incapacity in each ourselves to think and act as human beings to each other...
and so begin to know freedom as Dr. King knew freedom in the Dream,
coming Home forever as citizens to each other.

Racism knows no color, no creed, no culture, no Country.
It is a sin, the sin of inequality, and preys on all of us equally.

"We must learn to live together as brothers or we will perish together as fools."

Martin Luther King Jr. (19290115-19680404 of valor and love of Country) - servant of Jesus Christ and martyred scion of the elder Republic of the United States of America, beloved son of the one American nation and faithful servant of common humanity, vanguard of the Civil Rights Movement, friend of freedom, friend of peace, lover of the common Man - via con Dios.