CF Pages

Saturday, July 27, 2013


by Citizen Cat

Dawning forever, a flower for you...
innocence an everlasting embrace.
Inspire me, beloved, to be as true...
goodwill reflecting Divine Grace.
Darling, your sorrows become mine.
I know God takes care of His own,
Wisdom is the will of the Divine,
hatred will eat what hatred has sown.
Beyond death, Annelies, you to me...
Beyond differences, I will for us...
Cat, my angel, smile Eternal smile.
Your anguish no longer binds you!
Forget me not, beloved, I love you.

(original produced circa. 2001-02)

Personal Reflection

20131026 Saturday - The only thing that was able to cut through the deadly slumber of ignorance that blanketed my soul and set my spirit free was not a thing...

My Miyang turned my upside down world right side up and now, not only do I believe in happy endings, I work (in my own little way) to actively bring them about in our world.

For there is no limit to the possibilities
in which the all-wise and all-good God
may choose to invisibly sow in our lives
the seeds of precious new beginnings...

I realize my journey of self-discovery was not a journey I started on my own, it was only begun when someone decided to take it with me... and it filled the sky of my soul with stars.