CF Pages

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Salamat po

I should like to sincerely thank HRH Abdullah ibn-Saud for his magnanimity. In providing the remainder of the blood money on behalf of my brother Filipino, Dondon Lanuza, you have saved his life. For this I, and my nation with me, am deeply grateful. May you and your house be blessed forever for this kindness.

I learned about the plight of Dondon on the Internet and felt his sadness. There was a great longing in him, a desire to be free and to live out his life in freedom, but there was great pain and a loneliness also.

He and his family and friends made a great effort to solicit the generosity of others to aid Dondon in his hope. For he and his family, the same with many of my compatriots at this time, were not capable by themselves to raise the necessary sum (Php35 million) to fully compensate the family of Mr. Mohamad Al-Qahtani for their pain and loss.

The struggle to raise this money has already been long and hard the day I learned about Dondon. And as he directed most of his petitions to his fellow Filipinos at home and abroad, to see the slow progress of his cause seemed to me to be the most painful to bear - for it is a most human cause - so I resolved, by what available means I can, to help him gain back his faith in our people. It was an uphill battle, your excellency.

Through it all I know Dondon never lost his hope, he never wavered in his faith, never gave up trusting in the Providence of God and he never stopped believing in the strength of the humanity we all share. He persisted where many would have fallen into despair.

So it was with great relief that I came upon the happy news! Before this, your majesty, it seemed almost impossible to complete the necessary sum in time. You truly did save his life and I will always be amazed at this most admirable act of virtue. Magnanimity is the humility of greatness and it raises up the lowly.

It is an uncommon truth in a world where truth seems no longer common; that to save a life is to renew the world for it is but one and the same act. It is an act man by himself alone can never make.

Peace, I salute you. Salaam Aleikum. Mabuhay po kayo.

May God bless you and may God bless the Kingdom of  Saudi Arabia.

You did it, Dondon! Wala nang kala kalahating ngiti.
Bless the LORD, our God and Deliverer, you can smile again.