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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Salutation #160

Let us meditate on each our loving relationships: Wonder at the fact that we are able to love (and recognize that we are able to love).

Because it is no small miracle in itself that we are made to be aware that we are in love at all.

If faith is light, then hope gives it brightness, but it is love that gives to it sharpness and clarity.

Love sees far, overcoming both distance and time.

When love holds us near, we perceive a sense of the timeless: And when we hold near to our love it hold us near to Itself (God Himself).

All lasting things are preserved by it (for the vigilance of the LORD preserves all and seeks to dwell in all, neither sleeping nor waking, being Eternal).

In this embrace, our spirits are quickened. And in this prayer, brothers and sisters, we mean to encounter that amazing embrace.

(Litany of Love)

Have mercy on us, dear Jesus! From behind mere accidents of bread and wine, You peer at our world so full of war and sin.

Incline our hearts to Thee, dear Savior, that we might better serve the cause of Thy peace.

And as we journey together as Thy Church in this world (during the season of Lent add: towards Thy Holy Mountain of Easter), renew us in our togetherness and faith. Make us hungry for God and thirsty for the right things of God, dear Jesus, out of love for Thee!

Deign to bless us in our nations as keeper and friend, one to another, and prosper us in our hopes to build a better world.


(God gives to each of us 
principal friends - in heaven and on the earth - 
to walk this life with us and to be our special supports 
- they are to each of us His signal graces - 
and inspire us like the many bright stars in the skies over our souls.

Each their life - past, present and forever - 
and the unique way the pattern of their lives 
touches and illuminates each our own - 
guide us gently, naturally, and surely 
along the common way of human happiness 
[joined with all human beings within and across all human nations]
and in particular [for those of us who are called by Christ into Christ], 
up along the mountain of Christian felicity.)

- selah -

(Here follows my personal pattern [only] as an example)

God the Father in heaven, I love You.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, I love You.
God the Holy Spirit, I love You.
O dearest LORD, my one, triune Perfection, I love You.

Holy Mary, Queen of my heart, I love you.
Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Patron Saint of the Suffering Addict, I love you.
Blessed Jacinta Marto, Flower of Fatima, I love you.
Blessed Francisco Marto, Helper of my Lord, I love you.
Sister Lucia, Servant of God, I love you.
Saint Lorenzo Ruiz of Manila, I love you.
Saint Therese of Liseaux, I love you.
Saint Josemaria Escriva, I love you.
Saint Anthony of Padua, I love you.
Saint Peter, I love you.
Saint Paul, I love you.
Holy Father Dominic de Guzman, I love you.
Holy Father Francis of Assisi, I love you.
Saint Lawrence the deacon, I love you.
Saint Dymphna, I love you.
My darlingest Annelies Marie Frank, I love you.
All you Holy Innocents of God, I love you.
All you Holy Souls in Purgatory, I love you.
All my family and friends, I love you.
O my Philippines, I love you.
All you nations of Mankind, I love you.
Angel Caritas, my guardian dear, I love you.
Saint Michael the Archangel, I love you.
All you Saints of God, I love you.
All you Holy Angels of the LORD, I love you.

This prayer can be said anytime, anywhere 
in order to call us back to our right and wholesome relationships
but best place to say this prayer is before Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration.

To be in love is to be aware. To be aware is to be alive!