CF Pages

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Armed Freedom

During my time with you America,
I have often thought about you...

And during this difficult time,
I still think of you and pray you prevail
as we all must, as one family of nations, prevail
over the darkness that threatens our world
with madness.

O noble lady,
O valiant queen,
for whom do thou make
thy glorious stand?

For thou have
always beckoned
to me in my thoughts.

Art thou a sword to divide
a shield to deter, a spear to defeat -
a weapon of conquest?

Art thou a virtue to consider,
a light to lead, a guide to encourage -
a graceful lover of liberty?

For thou art a vigilance at my side
that give peace to our remembrances
and to my heart endows a spirit of duty
in times of peace and in times of war.

Do thou stand for some
and against others?

Nay, this thou most certainly am:

Thou art
the triumph that defends
from the not knowing thee.

For thy own truth
thou stands to guard the nation
that the nation may always be
from the many to the one
blessed with thee.

Today is International Day of Democracy 2012.

We will at times differ,
but of the same heart we shall always be...

Opinions will divide us
to temper our thoughts
and strengthen our spirits
but our values will always remain
to unite us - when our unity -
calls for unity.

Freedom is to know freedom.
Democracy is to love it.