CF Pages

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Great Wall

Walls that represent peace
must only stand for a season...

This is so by strength of its reason
to momentarily conceal and separate
what can not be revealed and united.

They are not permanent things!

And though their structures remain
they remain not if remembered in vain.

For walls that lead to permanent division
are a source of neither unity nor cohesion
And no nation tends to build toward this vision.

Their remembrance leads to wholeness.

For when they have outlasted their purpose
they will have likewise fulfilled their promise.

For walls that are built for peace
are walls that lead to the unity of peoples -
they are walls that embrace human community;
walls that embrace a particular belonging
until all our belonging is embraced by it.

They stand to keep the enemy out
until all peoples have been bonded together
in friendship and all nations are at peace.

They stand until War is vanquished
and the family of Man grieves no more.

Great are these walls!