CF Pages

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mang Dolphy

You know, the thing about Mang Dolphy is his ordinariness. 

I never got the hoity-toity air that some people put on when they reach the peaks of their profession from him. 

In the midst of all that temptation, there seems to be nothing vainglorious about him.

He must have been a man of substance.

In his shows, like Home Along Da Riles, he tended to disappear with his cast-mates, supporting them and blending in with them instead of standing out.

He must have been a good team mate.

I never knew the man personally and I never had a special affinity for Mang Dolphy but I sure loved his friends and some of them, I can almost certainly suppose, he had helped quietly along in their own careers.

He must have been a good friend.

Mang Dolphy delivered to us his art consistently for 60 years. For six decades, he worked to bring laughter to the people; a welcome relief from the many vicissitudes of everyday Filipino living.

He must have been driven by a sense of affection for the nation and now that same nation mourns the passing of an era...

He must have been a good Filipino.

Indeed, he must have been led by a certain love for his family, his friends, and his national community, and the outpouring of this very same love that was freely given to us now stands as a testament to the wonder of his life.

For by this giving, he has come to own a part of us forever.

I am sure many other things can be said about Mang Dolphy, good or bad, true or false, but of the things I have come know, there is enough for me to remember the man as he is so that after the tears - 

I know the laughter will come again.

Rodolfo Vera Quizon, Sr. (19280725-20120710) - via con Dios.

Based on Presidential Proclamation No. 433, TODAY, July 13, 2012 is a National Day of Remembrance in honor of the late Rodolfo "Dolphy" Vera Quizon.

Ordinariness in humility clothed
the soul against the heat of gold,
and the heart from vanity and cold.