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Monday, June 11, 2012

Independence Day 2012

God bless our Country,
may the LORD forever preserve our Nation
in the freedom of His sons and daughters
and give us Peace.

God bless our President,
may the LORD direct and unify the will of our Executive leadership
toward that Vision He hath vouchsafed for this Nation
from the foundation of the world.

God bless our Congress,
may the LORD form and guide the will of our Legislative houses
that our laws ever remain faithful to their original purpose and intention
as expressed in His Eternity and as written in the hearts of all Mankind
for the safety and progress of our people
through all our generations.

God bless our Judiciary,
may the LORD strengthen and preserve the will of our judges
that they may in each their respective Courts at all times display
the splendor of His Wisdom, Mercy, Forbearance, and Judgment
as a pledge of the final victory of His glorious Beneficence
as it is in heaven here on earth.

May all human dignity be honored and preserved,
may all human promise be recognized and fulfilled,
may all people especially the very least of our brethren and sisters
find their way to lasting happiness in this life and in the next life,
everlasting peace and unimaginable abundance.


May we all have
a deeply meaningful and fulfilling commemoration
of our 114th Independence Day (this 12th of June, 2012).

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas, 
long may our remembrance serve us!