CF Pages

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Salutation #126

One does not need
to look at the sun - to see -
the day that is all around us.

Likewise -

One does not need
to see the LORD - to know -
that God is and He is God!

(The Miracle of the Sun)

The manifestation of the sun
at the closing of the Fatima visitations
- was a visible herald -
of the manifestation of the Light
here, in our own times.

- selah -

We are in a spiritual darkness.

Our world is caught fast
in the depths of an invisible night.

just as the sun
was the chosen instrument
that sealed the miracle at Fatima,
this Light is
Who shall seal for all the miracle
that shall mark for each of us the closing
of the last great age of War.

For this Light is
as the sun in those days.

For just as the sun shines
to give sight to the eyes of our body,
this Light shines
(being the true seeing in our seeing)
to restore sight to the the eye
in the heart of Man.

For this Light is the Holy Spirit. 

The Spirit of the LORD consuming with fire
come to transform our world and bring our nations
out of the darkness and into the Light!

My brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ -

The message of Fatima
does not have to be read again to us.

Nor its miracles again be sent
to spur our memory of things above
and beyond our earthly plane;
of things true and Divine.

Suffice it for us to know today 
we have a choice again.

We have a choice again to make
- here in this, our century -
to determine the nature and reach
of the next hundred years.

- selah -

We have a choice again to make
- as nations dreaming together this time -
even at the crossroads, here and now,
at the threshold of another thousand years.

And the things of the last century,
if not the burden of the last 2000 years,
should have prepared us to make this choice.

So let this choice be one for Mother
and let this choice be one for peace.

Let this choice be one for us,
and the common generations of life.

(This is the best mother's day gift
we can offer to our Lady, our Queen Mother Mary,
who is so solicitous for the common welfare of our humanity
this close to the closing of another age.

May peace be to all our mothers, across all our nations in time,
as we remember the universal heritage of motherhood
this Mother's Day 2012.)