CF Pages

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Salutation #123

This Salutation is about the national discourse, and illustrates the dynamism of our democracy, it bids us never forget that the LORD, our one, true God and Eternal King, is forever included in the continuing dialogue of our one Republic endeavor.

(The Plan)

a plan that must constantly
renew and reinvent itself.

For it must!

In this way,
it is a humble plan.

For one can not know it all.

Nor can one claim to own it all.

It is a simple plan;
a plan that one must be able
to express clearly and sincerely.

A plan that one must be able
to see and to share freely
in and among all of us
who are willing to build
and improve upon it.

It is a plan
for everybody
meant to be shared
by everybody.

It is a plan
one knows one can never finish
by one's own self alone
without you,
my fellow Filipinos.

For this plan,
my brothers and sisters of the Promise,
is a plan for the nation.

It is a plan for us.

- selah -

God has a plan for you, my Country.
But I can not tell you of this plan...

I can tell you it's a wonderful plan. 
I can tell you its a plan meant for our good. 
I can tell you its a plan of happiness. 
I can tell you its a plan for all Filipinos
(as citizens and human beings to each other
and as a nation among one family of nations).

Deep in our soul, it is written;
a promise of victory,
a song of songs!

You know this plan, my compatriots.

For God has a plan for us, my nation.

But I can not tell us of this plan...
we have to tell it to each other.

This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday 2012alleluia!