CF Pages

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Salutation #118

We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.

Romans 8: 28

(Whatever They May Be)

beloved Starshine, 
in the life of individuals
and in the life of nations
that God permits to happen
for purposes the LORD,
in His infinite Wisdom,
did decisively foresee in Eternity
which for reasons
He has reserved to Himself alone
He has deigned fit
to reveal for us
for our own safety and progress
through various instruments
only at appointed times.

If we learn to discern
these moments in our lives
and in the life of our nations -

If we learn the lessons
Providence is trying to teach us
through these choice events -

whatever they may be...

If we understand how it is to listen, 
and if we remain willing to learn, 
alone or with others -

we may only profit from them.