CF Pages

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

O my Mother with Jesus

O my Mother with Jesus
and Glorious Queen of my heart,
I call with my heart upon you, dear Mother -
Recall me again to your most certain reality;
bring me to where you are present in my life.

O dear Mother,
be here with me in my heart!
For I am in need of your care and protection.

I am but a child in my heart with dear Jesus
and delighted for my God to dwell in my heart
yet I am frailest of all - against His enemies -
and I want to keep His Love so very much!

So I harken to you, dearest Lady!
O Immaculata, chief terror of hell,
give me strength against your enemies
and allow me to praise and to honor you!

Arouse me to the truths that endure forever,
recollect me to the presence of all my friends
- and bring me back -
to the foot of the Cross with you
there when the tide of all things have turned
and the serpent of this world was defeated;
his dominion of evil over humanity overthrown!

O bring me back to where it all began anew
at the greatest moment of God's triumph over evil
and the awesome price He paid for our liberation
to awaken our needful souls to the terrible evil of sin.

Ascend with me to the unity of His Peace
and awaken in me a hatred of all that is false.
Teach me virtue that I may stand steadfastly with you
against the countless evils that have been afflicted
not only to my own soul, wounding me so deeply,
but also to all the souls of our suffering humanity
- who are all victims in the first principle -
to that one lie that have wrought so much of our pain
born from that one sin that gave birth to the spirit of War
giving rise to the countless divisions that now rage
within every human heart -
a timeless conflict waged against life,
and against the God of All life;
a War to overthrow God's dominion over this world
upon His Kingdom founded in the heart of Man.

O dear Mother,
make me alive to the love of my Savior
for all things that begin in love begin with my Jesus.

Truly, truly, Blessed Virgin Mary
no evil in this world can ever convince,
nor sin in this world ever bear false claim
to what reality God's love has wrought in my life
as He hung dying on a Cross two thousand years ago
for the blade of His truth reached far across time
to cut me loose from the bonds that held my heart
that I may work out the fruits of my repentance
in loving gratitude and willing obedience to Him.

I want to keep His Love, dear Blessed Virgin Mary
I want to keep His Love and ascend to His one Peace
in prayer and in truth, in peace and in temptation
to serve God faithfully all the rest of my days.
