CF Pages

Sunday, October 23, 2011

20111023 AM

Two Paths

These two paths lead away from each other - one leads toward the dawn and the other toward the void of all things that never were.

My beloved Philippines, we are a nation of whose present generations have never experienced the blessings of peace reigning within our midst -

None of us here today have every truly enjoyed the promise of peace to speak with empirical conviction about its real merit for ourselves and our peoples -

We only have the maddening darkness of War and the illuminating brightness of our faith in God and in God's faithfulness to speak for itself -

Today, we stand at a crossroads in time; a defining moment in the history of our Country is presented before all Filipino hearts -

For 2000 years, we have slumbered but now the time for waking up is here - Now is the time we wake up from the nightmare of the last great age of War -

We have to choose a path that shall lead our generations unto two totally distinct futures -

Peace on its own terms today or War on its own terms tomorrow.

- selah -

If it seems difficult for us to conform with the demands of peace today - on this we may certainly rely, war shall make it impossible for us to live with any decency as a nation tomorrow.

Let us be ever mindful that this season of peace shall not always be.

(There are greater purposes at work in our world today - purposes demonic as well as Divine and angelic - powers above and beyond the scope and the reach of Man alone.)

If not today, when?

To love our own and others like our own -

"A stranger once welcomed is a stranger no more."

This especially holds true for those persons from other nations who represent for us the good will of their people as Father Pops once did.

But Father Pops goes one step further than this because he was one of the few who welcomed us first. He was on mission.

Father Fausto "Pops" Tentorio is a citizen of his native Italy who born of his great Christian love for our indigenous and poor Filipinos have truly become one of us. This makes him an honorary citizen of our Country by me.

The great injustice of his death is that he who should have received our warmest welcome was also he who was so abruptly and violently taken from our midst by murderous criminals.

Justice for Father Pops!


Prayers for Thailand of our one ASEAN -

Among all our present concerns, my brothers and sisters of the Promise, let us also include in our prayers today the safety and welfare of the people of the Kingdom of Thailand who is presently battling a devastating flood in their Country.

To my Roman Catholic brothers and sisters, let us be especially mindful of all our needs as well as our blessings during our Sunday obligations in this day of days and bring all of our prayers to God at Holy Mass today.


Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.

Citizenship with Fidelity

Mission Spirit