CF Pages

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Salutation #56

If I say "yes" to Israel and "no" to Palestine
then I only promote the division that will eventually consume both...
Its like saying yes without really meaning it.

When you say "yes" to Peace,
you do not say "yes" to War as well.

(Shining as the Stars)

The peace in the Philippines
and the peace in the Middle East
are equally important.

Each is connected to the success of the other.

They go in sequence.

For us Filipinos, Peace must be won here first.
For we can not shine as one nation with skies divided by War.

Winning the peace here
adds to the strength of winning the peace
in our ASEAN and outward
shining as the stars into Jerusalem
at the heart of our Asia, the Middle East.

So be guided: Do not be confused.

The peace in the Philippines
and the peace in the Middle East
are intertwined, within as well as without.
One can not prosper without the other.
Each one forms the other to become one whole sky.
So if we love one, we must also love the other.

In the former, we secure the blessings of unity for our nation.
In the latter, we secure the blessings of unity for our one family of nations.

we must shine for peace
and if it does not happen today

It is human to fight for love. It is not human to fight for hate. For when we fight for love, we defend. When we fight for hate, we only fight.

Mabuhay po tayong lahat! Peace. Salaam. Shalom. God bless us all.

The Peace of the Brotherhood of Mankind

Breaking the Siege