CF Pages

Sunday, September 18, 2011

20110918 PM

Sunday Evenings

Good evening, the Philippines - mabuhay!

A good working week deserved to be topped off with a great weekend, don't you think?

Since the above statement is true for almost all people, I could just leave it as that. But brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ that we are, we must ask ourselves again: How true is it for us?

What constitutes a great weekend for us?

During the creation event, the LORD God, also topped off with a great weekend. He spent it appreciating His work of living creation; in communion with the All of life. He did not go away to a far off place; He went near to us that we may be with Him Who is our rest.

When Adam found no companion in God's living garden, God did not decide to re-program Adam. Instead, God created a new community for Man in Woman.

- selah -

Our Creator is not a distant God. Truly, the LORD is not a tyrant. He is a God of communities; the one Source and the one Summit of all our relationships. We should be thankful indeed for God is and He is God, the LORD, my people - our God - especially on this days of days.

As Christians, we should be acutely aware of this fact.

It is in this spirit of communion and community that we are called to celebrate our Seventh Day obligations to God. Only in this way - with family, friends, parish, and God - may our weekends be deserving of our hard-won time away from the labors of our working week.

Having said that, I hope we all were able to fulfill our Sunday obligations to God today. May it form the basic structure of the pattern of our days that God may fill the years of our lives with much fruit and much company.

Let us all have a great working week ahead.

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.

A Friend like You