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Sunday, September 4, 2011


Sunday Evenings

Good evening, Philippines - mabuhay!

Well, we're four days into the first of the four "ber" months. If you are familiar with this, you are Filipino. We have the longest Christmas season ever!

We are indeed, a people of expectations, are we not? It's true. And we have every right to have these expectations. It is a reflection of our hope for better things and for better days.

If there is a reason why we are a people upon the earth, it is these hopes. And we keep these hopes close to us every Yuletide season because Peace is the reason for the Christmas season. And this has been so since that first Christmas day 2011 years ago.

The Angels say so and we now know so - Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace!

I do not expect this will change.

Now, I want us to remember this - here and now - because Christmas 2011 is the Christmas before Christmas 2012. Peace is the reason for every Christmas season!

- selah -

My brothers and sisters in Christ the Lord, let us work to make this Christmas 2011 a very good one - for all our nations. Most especially, let us pray God bless the Holy Land with Peace.

Let us extend our hearts and our hands to those who are affected by the presence of War here in our own Country and everywhere, especially in the Middle East.

If any of you can make the pilgrimage to Bethlehem this Christmas, please do so. And do not forget to go to Jerusalem and pray God bless our world with Peace.

So let us work for all of this as we continue on - together - right into the new working week... Everybody have a great week ahead!

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.

Christmas Greetings!
Peace among the nations.
Good will to all men and women of peace.

Please see our monthly challenge for the month of September - click here.