CF Pages

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Second Half of 2011

We are now into the second half of 2011, my honorable compatriots.

Peace, I think we are doing well.

Everywhere around us things are changing but the secret to all this change is how we hold on to the changeless in ourselves. We need to return to first principles and build from those truths about ourselves that are immutable.

Only then, when we are come into the nation in ourselves, can we emerge into our truest potential as a Republic whole.

The LORD, our God, is upon His Throne in Eternity, my people - all is well!

Because God is in His heaven, my nation, peace shall reign in the heart of Man, good will shall prevail between all men and women of peace, and the order of the nations of Mankind shall persevere.

Do not be distressed therefore, about the darkness.

Indeed, there shall be confusion and perhaps we shall find ourselves in the thick of it more and more by and by at the approach of 2012. But understand now at the second half of 2011 that it is all a necessary passage.

Say to thy heart, "everywhere around me things are changing, alleluia."

For darkness is but darkness that does not lead to the light.

If today we have come to understand as we should, the changeless and the timeless in ourselves and in others like ourselves, we should by now have gained for each of ourselves, by grace of God, a special kind of appreciation of what beauty there is in our common humanity.

We would have fallen in love with the dawn, my honorable compatriots.

And this vision shall see us through the long night - as citizens to each other and as a nation among nations.

Salutation #14

(Canticle of Praise)

Bless Your Name, O LORD!
From the highest of Angels
to the very least of us Men!

Bless Your Name, O LORD!
All creatures great and small -
let all of Your creation sing!

Bless Your Name, O LORD!
May Your praises be heard
from the fiery depths of hell,
across all the lands of earth,
far into the heavens above!

Our voices proclaim Your glory!
Alleluia! Amen to God!


Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! Long may our remembrance serve us. God bless us all.

Of Virtue and Vice