CF Pages

Monday, April 25, 2011


Salutation #7


Give way to a sense of self-belonging
that you may believe in your own heart
that we are a nation.

Open a way for the poor!
They are the measure by which
God shall open for us the way forward
lest we, as sowers, sow upon scattering winds
the sacred trust by which the Providence of God
have called us together as a nation.

For this is the truth! Therefore,
establish upon thy hearts a reign of Justice
and recognize the ground upon which we build -
a lasting edifice to the economy of our generations,
an altar of Sacred Life, and a shelter of law -
the noble vision of our own Eden rebuilt,
our great labor of Country!

Our work of Country
is the labor of our generations
to the very last of our generations.

The longevity of the Republic whole
is not established on individual lifetimes.
We do not rise and fall with the tides of exile time
for no matter how great or how small we seem,
everything that is good about our citizenry
is everything that we carry forward,
ascending with but one ascending.

So remember this, my honorable compatriots,
and do not be discouraged by the littleness
nor be disillusioned by the sheer fragility of it all.
We are always more than what the eye can see
for the nation in ourselves is greater in force
than what
individual hearts can muster -

But if the one heart of the people is divided
we shall be but a shadow of ourselves indeed!
For peace is what brings the people together,
bound by the freedoms that make us responsible
to the noble promise concealed in our individual fragility
and to the great dignity of our common humanity,
not so that we may each be the same
but so that we may together against
the darkness prevail.

Just as the shattering of the angelic realms
was brought about by War in the heart,
plunging our native skies into unconsciousness,
War in the heart shall likewise have claim over the earth
if our nations do not stand together.

It will institute a desolation before its time;
an abomination it shall call "peace" -
and a wasteland shall be the inheritance
of our generations.

IN THE SAME WAY that a tree upon our world is possessed of life, so are we.

In the same way there is a breathing that breathes in the birds in the sky, and in the animals upon the land, and in the fishes in the sea, so are we likewise possessed by that same living that make us all peers to Sacred Life.

For as all things alive in all of creation, seen and unseen, are all things immersed in the unseen waters of an everlasting substance, so are we.

But much more than those green things that grow upon our earth and greater still than the animals that fill our world with much color and motion, we are because to our native reason is granted the names and the knowledge of all these things, that they may share our voice.

To each of us is granted the faith to freely and commonly apply our hearts to the keeping of our Creator's creative ideal in this world that we may by our lives' width and breadth, render service to all of life's longing for itself and preserve our LORD's peace upon the inhabited earth which is the glory of God in all things.

The faith that makes us common, Beloved of God, makes us all servants to the one LORD of all the living and the everliving.

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.

Sacred Life is all of life, plant and animal, above all human life.