CF Pages

Thursday, March 31, 2011


From Hope to Hope -

The People's Republic of China yesterday carried out the death sentences for Sally Ordinario-Villanueva, Elizabeth Batain and Ramon Credo.

The three were executed by lethal injection. It was carried out in strict accordance with the law of that land which we must respect. There was no evidence that due process was denied any of them. Everything went like it should...

Why is it that it still feels so wrong?

I received the news yesterday evening while riding a bus back home and I can not help but feel a wave of sadness overtake my thinking. For a moment I felt what their families and friends were expressing behind all those tears.

I understood that underneath all the raw emotion was a fear of the unknown - a fear that the world has been unkind to them and will continue to be unkind to them.

And then I felt angry - angry at the people who betrayed my compatriots to this evil fate. For it is an evil fate; a fate I believe does not belong to them.

In my previous posts regarding this matter, I have made clear my view as regards to the fate of our three compatriots.

We now have an onus to carry out their final hopes on earth - as a nation, we must do justice to their plight - take care of the people they left behind and assist our local authorities to pursue and convict those who are responsible for this crime.

...and all our local Barangay Watches.

Personally speaking, I want this event permanently etched into our national memory and let it seep thoroughly into those institutions that fight against this evil.

As a Church, we must continue to pray for the repose of their souls.

What worries me now is precedence.

Improve Philpost

As a proactive measure to ensure Internet trade, when it booms in the Philippines (because it will), is properly facilitated and the advantages of eTrade preserved for the benefit of the nation, steps should be taken to revitalize and improve Philpost.

I believe that this would be a good investment and should be seriously considered. This will help boost government revenue - eventually.

It will also help us feel more closely connected.

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.