CF Pages

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Of the aspects of Country, there are four: Political, Economic, Social, and Human.

These four aspects may only be clearly recognized as distinct from each other only from their most basic units or wholes i. e. the Barangay, the Philippine Peso, the Filipino Family, and the Filipino Citizen.

These four are the grounds upon which the four corners of our civilization are secured. The resilience of our Republic undertaking of Country against all forces alien and hostile, internal as well as external, depend much on how well these four grounds are secured.

And if any ground is to be held secure, it must first be held securely in the heart.

The Barangay Elections 2010

Our recent barangay polls (for barangay and SK officials) is a measure of the will of our Republic to empower the liberty of its citizens (not excluding the youth of the nation and their tremendous potential for good). As such, in our national as well as in our local elections, it matters more how one votes than who.

Who one votes matters. But more than this, the principle behind the vote matters above all because suffrage exists to empower the citizenry and preserve the public peace.

Choice is not something we give away, it is something we always take back. For everything Man chooses in his heart becomes his life. In this way, the power of an authentic human freedom is derived from the power of our enabled choices.

In the vote, in principle, and in a process that is peaceful, we act to decisively take back from disorder and darkness by freely choosing order and light. We act to maintain the lineage of our leadership by the mandate that we entrust to those who we elect in quorum to represent us in our Republic government; entrusting our hopes together to those whom Providence has called to serve the Nation in the seats of the Responsible State: Vox Populi, Vox Dei.

It might seem easy to overlook all of this, my fellow Filipino compatriots, and surrender to the defeat that is destined for all that is evil; a defeat which has already been appointed in eternity. But our freedom does not exist for evil's sake but for our good and the good of all -

Service is a calling. Happiness is an ambition. Freedom is a guarantee. Love is a choice.

All in all, it was reported by the PNP that the polling yesterday was generally peaceful. 33 people have died and 14 others injured in election-related violence nationwide. 20 of the deaths were reported to have occurred in Mindanao, particularly in the ARMM. Some violence were reported in parts of Northern Luzon such as Abra and Masbate in Southern Luzon, while none were reported in the Visayas. In some barangays, elections that were postponed yesterday are being held today.

Congratulations to all our newly-elected and re-elected barangay and SK officials. May we all bear in mind and heart the labor of these times; the work of building a better Philippines for all Filipinos.

Mabuhay po kayong lahat!

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas! God bless us all.

The Four Aspects of Country