CF Pages

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


There is no other time in human history where the need for peace is greater than our present time -

A lot of people say, "I support Israel."
A lot of people say, "I support Palestine."
Not a lot of people say, "I support the Middle East peace process."
Well, I do.
Why? Because, my fellow Filipino compatriots, I love both those nations.

To the nation, Israel -

PEACE, I salute you.

I was told to be forthright with you, O Israel! You must bear with me -

You must stand for peace.

I recognize your suffering. I identify with your humanity. I see your need to serve thy cause of Country.

Therefore, you must stand with us, O Israel.

You are not alone.

Consider the Middle East peace process of which you are a part. Consider the state of the earth upon which we are all a part. Consider the times and work to complete thy own sacred remembrances: Make the choice for peace - the same with each and every one of us - while this is yet a choice: 2009-2012. Abide with a one-year time frame and we shall finish earlier than expected. 2012-2045, we shall begin building - together this time. And in two generations (X and Y), God-willing, we will have turned this thing around as the one family of the nations of Mankind.

For my own part, I realize that this is a very difficult, complicated, and emotionally-invested matter, but when things like these seem too overwhelming, I return to the faithfulness of Him who has promised us together - nation, commission, and mission - as a blessing to the communities of Mankind: the LORD, O Israel, He Who is, God to us all: Hear Him!

So I bid us all Mabuhay! God bless us all.

I continue to pray for peace...

...from star to star, one whole sky.

The road to peace is not as much a linear path as it is like the numberless stars in the night sky, a shining out - together. It shall take one whole sky to lead us all out of this long night and into the promises of the new age; into that new dawning that await our generations.

By our turning into the light we turn away from the darkness. By our working the works of peace set before us we shall leave the persistent shadows of things past behind us forever.

"If you want to go quick, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

- An old African proverb

So make mistakes. Now is the time to make mistakes. Right or wrong, if we truly know where we must go, all roads will lead us to the dawn.

Happy World Teachers Day to all teachers!

Those who love God love instruction.