CF Pages

Straight Path

Peace be with you -

What is this Straight Path (Matuwid na Daan)?

First of all, it is a personal commitment - a common peace of Country.

In this sense, the straight path must be both 100% Nation and 100% Responsible State.

Second, it is a common direction - it is a vision; a shared sense of destiny.

In this sense, it must represent a 100% cooperation between the Nation and the Responsible State. (This 100% cooperation automatically builds up and enriches the Common Market.)

Third, it is a single path - a flowing in time against the exile darkness; an ascent into the truth.

In this sense, the straight path is a dynamic partnership composed of 100% Nation and 100% Responsible State working together to continually realize that 100% cooperation that leads eastward along the way of our eventual returning to an Eden rebuilt.

As you can see, without the Nation, the Responsible State by itself can not hope to continue along this straight path.

As a citizen with your peers in the nation or in the Responsible State, you must understand that the straight path require all of us pulling together to make this one Republic of ours the best place to be - a home away from Home for all Filipinos for all of time.

And these monthly challenges we are initiating this first week of 201107 are all designed to measure our Nation's commitment to the straight path.
