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201206 Challenge #12 - The Freedom to Dream Again Anew

The way forward,
and not the way back,
my brothers and sisters of the Promise,
is the essence of our dreaming together as a nation
and as nations together as one family.

The LORD crafts for our nation a destiny
and we who are attentive to the workings of the Providence of God,
in and around ourselves, with and in each other,
through the spirit of our Country
are constantly called by the vision proposed in our hearts
to discern and to bend to the calling of the times -
for these are indeed our times!

(The crossing of the minimum of the times in 2009
requires that we have achieved this by the close of 2012.)

My beloved people Philippines -

I am like most of us,
the most ordinary of persons.

In fact,
I am not anything extraordinary
except for my need of God
and of you, my Country.

I never thought of the day
I shall be writing all of these to you.

I never gave you
anything more or less
than who we are and what we can be
- if we pull together -
as any nation is ordinarily expected
by the LORD and of heaven
for the preservation, sustenance, and progress
of the lineages entire of the one children of Mankind.

- selah -

These are extraordinary times
and if my own needs attest to that fact,
- so much more -
shall thy own needs attest to that same fact
that these are extraordinary times!

For it is now
- more than ever -
that this need of a constant belonging
has been made to become so plain and clear
to the sight of our every heart
come alive to the vision of peace on earth
and aware of our own nakedness and longing
for God and human community,
here at this midnight
here at the crossroads
of this twilight awakening
and the turning of the season
of the one celestial sky.

Terrible indeed
has been the last 2000 years!

But the LORD, our God and King,
suffers not the pain that we all endure
without a cause worthy of the good,
even of our greatest good.

For our world is now emerging
from that last great age of War
that we may understand today
- here and now -

Peace is the craft of all nations!

And that there are only
two ways with which to unify a nation:
Either set it free or cast it down in chains.

- selah -

We all need each other
and not only this
we all need each other
like our nations all need each other
to surmount over and prevail
against the challenges
and the evil of our present times.

Now then,
the evil of these present times
lies in not understanding this message
for the challenge is to close the door of Country
(that we may each likewise enter into the right door)
against the consuming darkness of the last great age of War.

- selah -

My beloved people,
our common dream of freedom
consists in understanding the dream
not with darkness and War's deception
but with Light and the liberation of the truth.

For if you do not know peace,
how can you defend it?

And if you do not defend peace,
how can you keep it?

It is oft said -
truth if attacked with lies,
and arms if attacked with arms!

O my nation, know we not
the countenance of our own peace
from the void of all things
that never was and shall be?

Know we not
the truth from what is untrue;
the light from the darkness?

For our peace (of the nation/s) is not
the sudden laying down of arms
but is the sure transformation of it
- in and across time -
into those works that ultimately defeat
division, hatred, sin, and War.

That all our belonging
may ultimately be a belonging for all.

This is our Filipino dream
and is the dream we must again re-awake!

DAILY EXERCISE: O my beloved Nation, Who for and what for do we represent as a labor of Country upon this earth, under heaven, and across the veil of time?

The one Quest